Masterlist of Sickle's "Omg, I'm So Obsessed" Crushes:
This is a list of actors, writers and fictional characters whom my brain's latched onto at some point or other. This isn't a list of people I find hot (that list is way longer and does, of course, include some of those listed here). Rather, it's the people I've developed an unhealthy obsession for at some point in my life, who've fascinated me for some reason, who's work I've tracked down like a bloodhound or took over my POV-analysis lobe. In other words, uber-crushes without, necessarily, the sexin'. I'm undoubtably forgetting some.
Below, then, is the list with photos and a brief reason as to the why of the obsession and the person's main features.
WARNING: Will eat your dial-up alive.
Early Youth:
Dark Heart (character, Care Bears Movie, 2)
Evil, heartless demonic shape-shifting thing turned good. Awesome evil laugh, by the way.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (character entourage, TMNT)
They're totally awesome, and Donatello was all about the science, so he's extra-special.
Wolverine (character, X-Men, TV Cartoon, Movie)
Gruff, violent, ambiguously or fiercely loyal, brilliant one-liners and ass-kicking.
The Early Teen Years
Gargoyles (character entourage, Gargoyles)
Another totally awesome entourage, with my favorites being Broadway and Lexington. There's the added interest of them being out of their rightful time-and-place.
Edward Douglas (character, Island of Doctor Moreau movie)
He was lost and confused on an island of anthropomorphic animals, or animalistic people, or something along those lines. I was more obsessed with the concept of the island's people than him, but still, his was the first piece of fanfic I ever wrote. Bonus point: Omg, it's Remus Lupin!
Draco (character, Dragonheart)
The last of his kind, reluctant friend of his would-be-killer, voiced by Sean Connery. What's not to love?
The Late Teen Years
Imhotep (character, The Mummy)
The bad guy with one of the most sympathetic backstories ever, mourning his lost love, lost out of his time and trying to regain his power in the name of true love. Also, totally awesome.
Angel or Angelus (character, Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel)
Mainly Season 1 Angel, where he's mysterious, possibly evil, tortured, silent and broody. And damn fine to look at. Angelus is always amazing and hilarious.
Spike (character, Buffy, the Vampire Slayer)
Mainly early Spike, where he's evil, hilarious, love-lorn and damn proud of it, although broken!Spike of latter BtVS was alright, and he was brilliant in Angel, all humour and bitchyness at Angel.
Maximus Decimus Meridius (character, The Gladiator)
The epic angst and tragedy of it all. Plus, hello bondage.
The Early Twenties
James Marsters (actor)
Fun, good and pretty. I'm easy like that.
General Thade (character, Planet of the Apes (2001))
Absolutely psychotic, violent and people-hating villain who at the end get's taken down so many pegs it's heart-breaking. Psychologically fascinating, even if the movie doesn't go into it at all.
Darth Maul (character, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace)
The best fight scene ever, single-minded focus and devotion, Evil with a capital E and a whole lot of
Sith Academy fic, amongst others.
Ray Park (actor)
Stunt-double, martial arts expert, Scottish. The things this man can do with a lance, guys.
Toad (character, The X-Men)
Mainly stemming from the Ray Park obsession (which is itself a spin-off of Darth Maul) and almost entirely based on fic, especially
Beneath the Harrow. Massively tragic character, especially with his awful childhood, devotion to Magneto and run-in with Storm.
Nightcrawler (character, X Men)
I really liked his gentler, religious side. Plus, funny. Psychologically interesting.
Neil Gaiman (author)
This man's brain is awesome! And he's seems so nice too! (Also, pretty.)
Malcolm Reynolds (character, Firefly)
He just kinda breaks my heart with his own broken-heart and then patches it back together with his childish delight. Epic character in every way.
Jayne Cobb (character, Firefly)
Firstly, he's buff. I mean, seriously, look at him! Secondly, he may not be bright but he's straightforward, which is very refreshing. And there's something going on in that monkeybrain, I'm sure of it.
Nathan Fillion (actor)
In a word: charming. Also, his acting skills, yo, going from "This is serious angst business" to "Ha-ha! I'm a goofy child!" in one second flat is amazing.
Riddick (character, Pitch Black, Chronicles of Riddick)
He's badass and doesn't care who knows it. Generally doesn't give a rat's ass about the universe either, but eventually turns hero and save the day.
Vin Diesel (actor)
Alright, so mainly it's the arms and the voice, but he's also funny, charming and pretty good at acting (Boiler Room, y'all).
Joaquin Phoenix (actor)
The acting skills and the pretty! (Except now he seems to have
gone a bit insane.
That was a lie.)
Tim Roth (actor)
The major skills and the accent. Again, I'm easy. Just thinking of Reservoir Dogs breaks me a little.
Agent Sands (character, Once Upon a Time in Mexico)
Psychopathic ex-CIA agent, what's not to love? He's the very definition of badass. Plus, he says things like "Sugarbutt".
Johnny Depp (actor)
The skills and the pretty, again.
Robert Carlyle (actor)
The skills, the pretty and the accent.
Durza (character, Eragorn)
The only remotely good thing to come out of one awful film. He's evil and stab-happy, what's not to love?
The Doctor, 10th Incarnation (character, Doctor Who)
The childish exuberance that made even me love humanity coupled with seriously massive angst and genocidal tendencies. And brilliant hair.
David Tennant (actor)
Absolutely adorable, Scottish and skilled actor.
The Master, 7th Incarnation (character, Doctor Who)
Megalomaniac villain who swings between total serious crazy to over-the-top theatrical crazy. And somewhere in there's a broken little boy, too. Basically everything I love in a villain.
John Simm (actor)
Skilled and chameleonic actor who's adorably shy. And he was in a band.
Simon Pegg (actor)
Hilarious actor, except when he makes me cry by acting so sad. Damn you, Simon!
Sylar (character, Heroes)
Despite the inconsistent portrayal of Sylar, his villainous side is always brilliant and manipulative. Plus, Season 2 hair!
Zachary Quinto (actor)
Questionable clothing choices, an outstanding vocabulary that makes interviews a delight, and the adorableness factor.
The Late Twenties
Ben Linus (character, Lost)
One of the best villains to ever villain. Manipulative, obsessed, loyal, chameleonic and with a soft side no one's ever going to see.
Michael Emerson (actor)
Utterly charming, well-spoken and geeky with a dash of awesome acting.
The Joker (character, The Dark Knight)
He's psychotic and it's delightful.
Jensen Ackles (actor)
Practically physically perfect, or so my ovaries keep telling me, and the utterly jaw-droppingly awesome nuances of his acting leave me wibbling in a corner. Cries pretty, too, when he's not being hilarious. Adorably somewhat-shy.
Dean Winchester (character, Supernatural)
Whether he's hiding whoppee cushions, hitting on every girl, bitch-slapping and gun-toting, or having more issues than the Britannica, he's awesome and I just want to take him home and give him pie.
Jon Stewart (comedian)
This man's brains are the sexiest ever. He can be childishly adorable or piercingly astute and no one out-debates him. (
Except maybe John Yoo, who just slides right through it all.)
Misha Collins (actor)
The humour and sarcasm! I love sarcasm! He's extremely fan-friendly and charming, as well. Also pretty. And hilarious, have I mentioned that? ETA: See also
this video (Atomicblonde's reaction = my feelings) and
this brief autobiography (and appropriate GIF).
Rorschach / Walter Joseph Kovacs (character, Watchmen)
Two for the price of one! Rorschach is
unbelievably fascinating: vigilante and
sociopath with a black-and-white morality he sticks to "even in the face of armageddon". Walter Kovacs is a bit like Toad in the childhood department and, as far as Rorscharch is concerned, no longer exists.
But hot damn does he have great arms,
is an adorable wet puppy and
makes a delightful sad!face. Also, ginger!
Jackie Earle Haley (actor)
Geektastically adorable, enthusiastic and skilled up the wazoo.
Tom Builder (character, The Pillars of the Earth)
He's just such a good man. Plus, I like his voice. Also, he's the only bearded guy on this list. Sure, some of the guys are blue or aliens, but that doesn't make this any less noteworthy.
Crowley (character, Supernatural)
He's a demon, but sort of on the good guy's side (or is he just playing them?). He's snarky and makes innuendoes. He wears a suit. He's got ruffable hair. His voice. Also? He's played by Mark Sheppard. End of discussion.
Mark Sheppard (actor)
His voice, for starters. (He's on my
voice crushes list for a reason.) He's adorable, has the most ruffable beard ever, is a fanboy, and says really interesting things about the industry. Also? Ambiguously evil characters ftw. Plus he's in everything.
Bendict Cumberbatch (actor)
More voice crushing. He's got mad skills and talks wonderfully.
Craig Parkinson (actor)
I just do, okay?
Loki (character, Thor, The Avengers)
Why do I love him so much? Basically:
Or more eloquently,
Tom Hiddleston (actor)
Pretty much perfect in every way, the precious bastard. Acting skills, verbal skills, his voice,
his analysis of characters is a joy and he is such a fanboy (there's a reason everyone says
no one has Loki feels like Tom has Loki feels), and
his smile is the most wonderful ray of sunshine ever. Also the lack of a massive age-gap makes me happy and brings me to tears at the same time because of a thousand reasons.
Is there a pattern? A type?
Apart from the obvious obsessive tendencies, let's do a tally:
There's 18 real people and 29 characters in the list. Of the characters, 14 are villains and 9 are heroes, 6 can't pass off as human and 14 can pass off as human despite not being it entirely.
Conclusion: I like my obsessions fake, evil or not, and not completely human.
Of the real people, 8 have brains of win and 16 have elite skills.
Conclusion: Unless you're exceptional at something, I don't care about you.
Of the villains, 9 are pure villains and 4 are redeemed. There's 7 psychotic villains, 6 people-hating and 9 badass.
Conclusion: I like my villains to hate everyone and kill them in amazing or creative ways. Insanity is a bonus. Also angst.
Of the heroes, 8 are troubled and all are badasses.
Conclusion: Angst, angst like you've never angsted before! Then whoop everyone mightily.
Of the villains and heroes, 19 of the 22 are victims of the storyline and in some way brought to their knees.
Conclusion: I like them when they're down.
In general, of the 46, 15 have English, Scottish or (in a single case) German accents. 17 are lanky whilst 13 are buff and 11 are simply pretty. (If the numbers don't add up it's because you can be lanky and pretty, or some other variant.) 15 are funny.
Conclusion: I like them pretty and generally lanky and it's better if they're funny.
Video of the Day Merlin Children in Need Special - Bwuahahaha!
Click to view
Links of the Day:
lovetheguysblackdoggyicons - Not artsy-fartsy, but hilarious nontheless.
Iconswolfpup2000's ChicagoCon photos
Misha, Part 1,
Misha, Part 2,
Misha, Part 3,
Jensen, Part 1rogueslayer452's
ChicagoCon Experience - D'aww.'s
Icon Resources - Screencaps sites, brushes, textures, fonts, and more.
Supernatural Motivational Posters Misha Collins:
Charades whilst on holiday in Bali - Am somewhat horrified this is on the internet, or at least on YouTube through a third person, but he's really good at charades, no matter what the two ladies say. Come on, people, how many things rhyme with marjiuana? That lie on their bellies?
Misha Collins interrupts Jom Beaver's panel - "You steal focus even when we're not filming."
Misha at ChicagoCon Icons * Mae West