Holy shit, anon. Are you me?*

Oct 28, 2009 23:39

Evidence that Sickle is Stupid:

Exhibit A: The reason I recently have not been enjoying my chamomille honey tea and the reason I have been staying up late easily may have an underlying joint cause. Why? It wasn't chamomille honey I was drinking, but motherfuckin' black with an extra dose of pigment tea. I'm half-way through the box and I only just realized this. Sure, the tea didn't look right (i.e. translucent and golden-tinged) but black like the heart of Vetinari cloaked in assassin's robes, but I never actually thought that this meant anything. I figured the so-called honey flavour did things, Strange Things. So, folks, when Reality is hitting me in the face, I apparently let my preconscieved "But I thought I was buying chamomille!" notions prevail. I suck.

Evidence that Sickle is Easily Amused:

Exhibit A: fandomsecrets's Secret Post 1026, Secret Crying Dean .gif thread with CAPSLOCK OF WIN and the ~*SPARKLES*~ of awesome. Omg, the tears! The tears going backwards! The manly gritting of teeth! The chin!wobble! (I mock because I love. A lot. And because if not I'd be weeping in sympathy.)

Exhibit B: The Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night" in Yiddish as sung by Gerry Tenney

image Click to view

Evidence that Sickle is Romantically Doomed to Crazy-Cat-Lady Spinsterhood:

Exhibit A: fandomsecrets's Secret Post 1026, Secret 171. The list of requirements for applicants to sharing the Sickle-life is perhaps a tad demanding...

Evidence that Sickle is Craaaazy:

Exhibit A: fandomsecrets, Secret Post 1026, Secret 1. Not mine, but may as well have been. Now y'all know and I don't care. (Okay, maybe I do a little, but not enough to hide in a corner about it, like it's a dirty horrible awful secret. So I play pretend, sue me! It helps organize things in my head, for one.)

Links of the Day:

batman_lulz's Comic: Random Domain.com ; Batman vanishing act fail
thandie's Supernatural Fanvid Roller Coaster
jonstewartisgod's Icon Tag
jackanapes_icon's The Daily Show Icons Tag, The Colbert Report Icons Tag, Ashes to Ashes Icons Tag
quinto_daily's Awesome photo
hug_machine's hilarious and apt eulogy for Geocities
illyriaz_shell's Heroes Sexy .gif made of sex
pandarus's Multifandom Fanfiction

Texts From Last Night
Interview with Moritz Bleibtreu - In German. He's still awesome, though.
What Serenity Means to You Competition and Winners
John Tunger's Imitator Sues Me to Overturn Copyrights: Please Help Defend My Art
"Freakonomics" Authors Tell You How to be a Good Prostitute
Carbon Leaf's "What About Everything" Lyrics

* Anonymous on fandomsecrets

tv: daily_s/colbert_r, people: crazy, music: lyrics, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, tv: heroes, art, news, tv: behind the scenes, actors: jon stewart, fandom: fanvids, books, tv: ashes to ashes, movies: tdk, actors: zachary quinto, fandom: icons, my crack metaphors

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