There's no escape, there's no excuse, so just suck up and be nice*

Oct 19, 2009 17:18

Life sucks right now, and let me tell you why.

Why Friday Sucked

I failed yet again at waking up at a decent hour. Went to work, had cafeteria lunch for the fifth time that week. Proceeded to spend approximately three hours writhing and crying in the bathroom thanks to uterine cramps from hell. Eventually realized there was no way I was going to get work done and, once I felt I could bike home without dying, did so. Crawled into bed,. watched YouTube for another two hours nursing lemonade and waiting for the painkiller to kick in, then did a quick grocery run for chicken. Re-watched Underworld 3 and screencapped.

Why Saturday Sucked

Woke up late and couldn't think of anything to do. Tried walking about for maybe a stint at a coffee shop, but didn't do more than wander a while before returning for a re-heat of yesterday's leftovers. Knit, undid my knitting, knit some more and then got stuck. GOt dressed for Salsa workshop, which went well. Got chat up by salt-and-pepper beer-bellied Turkish driver of large vehicles across borders. Struggled through with pathetic excuse for Dutch. Got taken out to dance by tall lanky old man who tried to teach me a few steps but gave up on me very quickly. Tried dancing with Turk, because hey, dance party. Continued chatting with Turk because there wasn't anyone else until it started getting a tad much then scuttled away. Watched good dancers do their thing then scurried home in shame. Stayed up until 4 am doing icons for reasons unknown.

Why Sunday Sucked

Woke up at 1 pm, which I may've only done a handful of times in my life. Did absolutely nothing productive. Sure, watched The Catherine Tate Show but wasn't thrilled. Around about 5 pm realized ought to eat, maybe even go outside. Showered. Freaked out for reasons unknown and spent another hour or so trying to pull self together enough so's I could go outside. Went out on a quick grocery run for goulash mix then took the long way home because walking is good. Whiled away the rest of the evening with YouTube and a headache.

Why Today Sucks

Woke up on time at 7:30 then said, "Fuck that shit" because I'm a moron and ended up hitting the snooze button for hours - even rolling over in bed with the alarm clock - until around 10 am. Woke up feeling like the dead. Minor freak out and lots of doing things step by tiny step so at least they'd get done until I managed breakfast and dressing (which was uninspired recycling). Sat for about half an hour with a Stewart interview in the background doing little to raise my spirits or attract my attention, randomly breaking out of a stupor due to tears sprouting of their own fucked-up accord. Eventually made it to work around noon. Failed to really get anything done for a few hours, then figured out some coding and got the query to work somewhat, meaning that it doesn't give me errors and executes the query, but doesn't actually draw up any data points, so no, it's not working. Tried to work on other query and failed. Tried to work on opening up ArcGIS and calculating home ranges, but failed at finding database referred to in professor's manual. Said professor is invisible or absent today, so emailed. Had soda crackers for lunch. Cried a bit. Currently at a complete loss, freezing in office with nicked apple and yet another day where no work has been completed. Expect to run away very shortly and buy plane ticket to Rome to see parents (at mom's suggestion). Then will go running, then swear to go to sleep early and fail utterly. Do not really know at all why my current emotions are "Everything sucks! It sucks! Woe!" Can't blame on hormonal dip because the time's all wrong. And I was so peachy a few weeks ago. Now I can just feel my act - which I'd finally gotten together so well - unravelling completely.

Links of the Day:

annspals The Visual Story at a Glance: "Jump the Shark" (4x19)
fannishliss's Meta: Are Angels Monsters?
Robin's 5.06 I Believe the Children Are Our Future: Ronald Reznick levels? High - Meta on aamera angles, sets, etc. and how they relate to the plot.
fatedcinderella"s Fanvid Brand New Day

jsie_icons's Tag: Headers
misery_chick's Moodtheme: Questionable Content (Webcomic)
666w0nd3rl4nd's Dollhouse Sierra Icons
ursulav's Skelanimals Confession
Webbook: Theory in Context and Out: Volume 3 - Section on imaginary companions.

* Ani DiFranco

books, tv: supernatural, tv: dollhouse, my science stick, fandom: icons, fandom: picspam, fandom: analysis, lj users: ursulav, fandom: fanvids

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