Something's going to happen.*

Sep 21, 2009 22:46

In celebration of the death of summer, my room has been taken over by laundry (pending- and damp) as well as a suitcase in the midst of one of its great yearly transitions (the summer-winter exchange, less feared than the storage-travel one).

The weekend with Willy was brilliant. We talked mainly about our projects and respective boys. Coo-ee did we talk a lot about the boys and she's agreed that I'm being neither crazy, demanding nor am I exaggerating. So, um, yay? Anyway, it was good to hash it out with someone who knows exactly who and what I'm talking about. (Once this is all settled in Real Life I'm run y'all through it - mainly because I need to hash it out myself.) Then on Saturday night we went to a shared bday party of some of her friends (and omg, sitting on the back of a bike for a long time hurts one's bum a lot). Sunday we took it easy in the morning, then she went to work and I wandered around Amsterdam.

I've been trying to plan out my birthday this coming Saturday. Mom suggests I hang out with the people I'm trying to make friends out of, and I needn't say it's my birthday. I see the logic in that sociality is good and that if you hang out with acquaintances on your bday (and them knowing it is), they may stare at you as if you were a shaven monkey lathering on sunscreen whilst sitting on a parka**, thinking "You seriously don't have anyone better - closer - to hang out with on your bday?"

On the other hand, if I'm to spend my bday with people, I'd rather it be people who care I'm alive. If that's not an option (and when was the last time that was), then I'd rather spend it alone. Alone, yes, but doing things I like. As in, I will give myself an awesome day.

So the plan so far is a late wake-up, a full English breakfast at a local pub***, a stock-up on all sorts of candy and then a stint in the Hague, where dim sum and a movie will be enjoyed. (I'm still a bit hazy on this last bit.) I don't think I'll manage Dutch pancakes or a cake of some sort, but there's always Sunday. Somewhere during all that I hope to receive a call or two from family, but that's about it. This will be awesome and wonderful and not at all sad and the first person to suggest so will be tied to a chair and forced to watch the abysmal film Happy Birthday To Me with the McGill Architectural Porn deleted! Oh yeah, I will stoop so low.

Links of the Day:

- I'm doing an expose on myself and you're all tabloid whores.
- Fic Index
- on how brains are like kidneys: they can get sick and it's not your fault
- on Sam's Club tearing apart an ancient Native American burial mound to build a store
- on saying "i won't become like you [sicker person but with identical illness] because i'm stronger than that"
- on smokers
- on gender and social roles being fluid
- journal for the Project Where We Leave Journals In Public Places With Instructions Not To Return
- on being sick despite not looking it
- on writing

marika_kailaya shares music:
- Grey
- Algia Hyena-Treatment - Lcycan't
- Algia Hyena-Treatment - No Good In Men
- Hot Mess
- The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
- Pet Shop Boys - Left to My Own Devices
- Wizard Rock
- Mary Chapin Carpenter

Random Fandom:
apiphile's Dear Humanity, Grow up. ; Help Me Commit Art - Poem to write and leave for strangers.
rudebox's Lost Icons
camui_zuuki's Fanfic Trailer Dream A Little Dream Of Me (Dean/Castiel, AU)
john_simm's John Simm on Radio 5 Live

The Internets:
Famous Warriors - Ancient
The Holland Ring: Dutch Culture
Webcomic Easel Ain't Easy
Yahoo! News FCC chairman says `open Internet' rules are vital

The Emmys:
Michael EMerson wins Emmy Photos, Video, Interview, Conmemorative Benry Knows Best Icons
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog Wins Emmy: Dr. Horrible Emmy-Special Clip, Nathan/Emmy, Emmy Envelope

* BBC The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Chapter 5/6, Part 3/3
** Ah, metaphors of crack...
*** I had said breakfast two years ago when I was looking for a residence. The sausage was greasy flour wrapped in plastic, but the rest was good. I've been meaning to go back ever since.

comics, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, tv: awards, history, lj users, actors: nathan fillion, my science stick, actors: mike emerson, language: dutch, health, tv: lost, music

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