Offer up your best defense*

Jan 03, 2009 23:40

Went shopping today in the land of plenty recession. Am very tired. It's bloody exhausting to eye so many horrid things in the hopes of something decent, and it's incredibly emotionally taxing to undress in those changing rooms with mirrors placed at "Look! Your ass!" angles and trying to squeeze into clothes you'll never be able to wear.

Sixteen Things Meme: "List sixteen random things about yourself, then tag sixteen people to do the same." Only without the tagging. Via lienne.

1. I can't stand wearing my watch inside the house, or when I type.
2. I can lipsych, with minor errors, Neil Gaiman's Shoggoth's Old Pecualir.
3. I've memorized a number of poems.
4. I can't stand wearing glasses in the morning.
5. Barking dogs, especially when barking at me, make me uncomfortable.
6. If I really like a book's writing style, and don't own it, I'm often compelled to write extensive quotes off it.
7. I have cold hands and feet.
8. I can pick stuff up with my toes.
9. I got my first hickey at age 25.
10. I will eat, and enjoy, lemons.
11. I'm most comfortable expressing myself in English.
12. I've shot an air rifle.
13. I've hand-fed giraffes.
14. I've been to 4 of the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World (or where they used to be, at least) and 2 of the 7 of the Medieval Wonders.
15. I've been to one funeral and one wedding.
16. The longest I've lived, consecutively, in a city is 5 years, and the shortest 1.5 years.

Email!Meme via blizzardcake:

What time did you get up this morning? - 7:45 am :( Car trip to the neighbouring country.
Diamonds or pearls? - Pearls
What was the last film you saw at the cinema? - Un Conte de Noel
What is your favorite TV show? - Supernatural \o/
What do you usually have for breakfast? - Toast
What is your middle name? - n/a
What food do you dislike? - Cooked carrots all on their lonesome.
What is your favorite CD at moment? - n/a
What kind of car do you drive? - My parents \o/
Favorite sandwich? - ?
What characteristic do you despise? - Rudeness and inconsiderate...ness.
Favorite item of clothing? - ?
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? - Ireland would be awesome.
Favorite brand of clothing? - ?
Where would you retire to? - Ha! I have no idea. Seriously, not even the continent.
What was your most recent memorable birthday? - Barcelona a few years back. Flatmates bought a cake and books.
Favorite sport to watch? - Equitation. And professional pool, if it counts.
Farthermost place you are sending this? - Da intarwebs!
Person you expect to send it back first? - ?
When is your birthday? - Sept. 26
Are you a morning person or a night person? - Night
What is your shoe size? - 6.5
Pets? - No
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? - Apart from the Kenyan internship? Nope.
What did you want to be when you were little? - Paleontologist :D
How are you today? - Tiiiiiired
What is your favorite candy? - Sour gummy things
What is your favorite flower? - These little ones that grow in bunches or different colours on a bush. Yeah. It's my life's quest to find out what this little decorative thing is.
What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? - I've got lots of days marked "Impending Doom". None that I'm looking forward to, really.
What is your full name? - Sickle. Bending Sickle.
What are you listening to right now? - "Bow-chika-bow-wow" music on XXX. And Vin Diesel's growly voice. ;)
What was the last thing you ate? - Creme brulee.
Do you wish on stars? - No. Have on dandelion pfoofy thingies. (What? Bored childhood summers.)
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? - ...?
How is the weather right now? - Dark
The first person you spoke to on the phone today? - n/a
Favorite soft drink? - Bitter Kas
Favorite restaurant? - ...Ribs 'n' Bibs? Dunno.
Real hair color? - Brown :(
What was your favorite toy as a child? - Barbie's horse
Summer or winter? - Can't I have both?
Hugs or kisses? - Whatever I can get
Chocolate or Vanilla? - chocolate
Coffee or tea? - Tea!
Do you want your friends to email you back? - As a general rule, yeah
When was the last time you cried? - Today, in the changing room. Fun times
What is under your bed? - Another bed! No, seriously. It rolls out and everything.
What did you do last night? - Edited a fanvid! (Part of.)
What are you afraid of? - The irrational fears and images my brain conjures up, like a great white shark's gaping mouth at the end of the swimming pool's lane, or hairy clawed hands reaching out from under the bed. Or, y'know, shit hitting the fan come Jan. 17th. That's got me pretty shitless.
Salty or sweet? - Sour!
How many keys on your key ring? - One, but 'cause I'm at my parent's and thus don't really have a key thingie
How many years at your current job? - Student, so 1.5 years at my current program
Favorite day of the week? - Saturday. You can recover from Friday and still enjoy the wee hours
How many towns have you lived in? Oh gods... 11. At least.
Do you make friends easily? - Acquaintances. But not good, "you can totally count on me" friendships
How many people will you send this to? - Da intarwebs!
How many will respond? - ?

* "The End of the Innocence", Don Henley

things: bought, travel, memes, my daily life

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