Capoeira is like playing the piano.*

Dec 20, 2008 22:40

First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.*

This afternoon my brother, Yasmina, her ex-roommate went to a delicious Chinese restaurant in Chinatown - mayonaise shrimp ftw!.

Later the three of us went to a modern dance show, HomeBody, presented by Chicago Dance and Music Alliance.

The first choreography was pretty neat - it was a two-person dance, with cool rolling-over-each-other's-back moves. The music accompanying it was pretty neat, with the second part being a voice mix of a distressing speech about "My life has worth! I am a human being!" and angsting about the melodrama of modern life. As part of the show, this guy in army clothes labeled as the "Mad Scientist" walked about with a microphone asking the audience to describe what they felt when watching the dance. The first victim was my brother, who could just shrug and point desperately at me beside him, saying "I don't know" and, in the face of the relentless microphone, finally panicked, saying "Jumping!". We teased him about this all the way home :D

(Myself, I managed to come up with "playfullness", which got the Mad Scientist's approval, but other folk went the same vein as my brother.)

Another memorable bit of choreography let us all giggling. It's one of those things about modern art, you never quite know if it's just utter crap to be laughed at or if it's supposed to be some deep commentary of modern society. The choreography starts off with three girls in cowboy boots (*covets boots*) bopping away. Then one drifts off, captivated by a McD's bag and burger, and proceeds to sit down and flirt and eye-fuck the burger before chomping down. This was followed by an ancient video commercial of the Big Mac and a rendition of "I Believe I Can Fly In the Fries".

There was also some pretty awesome meddley of 70s and 80s music and dancing - huge glasses included.

What my brother really liked was the djembe performances, and I think we all really enjoyed the Capoeira show. It was really nice to recognize one of the capoeria dancers from my brother's (totally, totally awesome) black and white capoeria photographs). Turns out he's my brother's friend 'cause, apart from the photography, they went to the same capoeria school. I think I saw him a few years ago in Millenium Park's Capoiera free show. Josh is freakishly good - must be, he's been doing it for 14 years.

* * *
Brother's watching In the Name of the Father and I've just squeed at recognizing Paterson Joseph as the Jamaican guy. Love Paterson. gods, I can't watch this film again, it's going to make me bawl.

Links of the Day:
x5vale's Fanvid: Suffer In Silence and Jensen Ackles Appreciation Post - \o/ - Dean may be tough on the outside but you ain’t seen nothing until you’ve seen Ackles shed a tear. - She
leonidaslion's Fanfic WIP progress update and Suit!Verse Prezzies Fanvid and Wallpaper - Both are awesome!
Fanvid: Guilty of Crime - Wincest taken to its logical, considering legalities, consequene. - Awesome.

Doctor Who and Co:
burn_to_emerge's Fanmix: Oh, You Pretty Things - Doctor/Master and the Year That Never Was
doctorwhy's Comic
versaphile's Fanfic: A Better Use for Time Beatles
javabreeze's Comic: The Great Penguin Caper

Random Fandom, Crossovers and Mixed:
effulgent_girl's Icons
batman_lulz's Comics
dhark_charlotte's SN/TSCC I'll Make Pancakes
wicked_signs's Torchwood, SPN, Lost Icons
12_12-12's Thoughts on Nathan in Heroes' Season 3
darknknightfic's Fanvid: TDK/Ironman
Alanbhaitsma's Sam on Ashes to Ashes?'s Nathan Fillion on Doctor Horrible's 9 Most Redeemed Actors (And 9 Who Should Be)

Holy crap that's a shark (in waterslide)!
Piranha attack victim - WARNING: Majorly graphic!
Foot found in brain tumour
Dolphins herd fish (and gallop over the ocean)
The most alien-looking place on Earth
Exploding snow - Boiling water exposed to frigid temperatures
Cloning the mammoth: Why?
Bioluminescent algae at night - with video
The loneliest whale - Whatever the identity of this strange unidentified alien whale, it is, for now, the very definition of poetic, existential loneliness, in both time and space. The whale is somewhere wandering the Northeast Pacific, right now, in a rudderless, aimless track. And right now the lonely beast could be calling out for others of its kind, and finding none, for over 12 years and counting.
Snow under the microscope
Celestial smile: Venus, Jupiter and Moon
Vampire fish - The amazing tale of a fish that lodges itself in the genitals of men and women in the Amazon river.
Spider in space makes web

Politics:'s Obama's true colours: Black, white...or neither? - On multiraciality.
Skyfullofbacon's "Obama eats here" List

Random: Livejournal:
lucylou's John and Lucy's Puppet Blog
finkenstein's Webcomic: We Can Fix It: A Time Travel Memoir
finkenstein's trials and tribulations when Forever 21 steals their Threadless design - Part 1, Part 2 and in a nutshell
evadne_noel rants about Christams music
cleolinda really is popular! and explains how to set up your personal LJ google
divalion's No More Mr Nice Guy Essay - Friends with ulterior motives
teand's Humerous Dear Santa Wishlist
metaquotes describes (but fails to name) an interesting story
bag_dail links to The sexiest men in TV

Random: Blog:
You Thought We Wouldn't Notice
Fuck You, Penguin

Random: Elsewhere on the internet:
Wiki: Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me! - Radio quiz show
Wiki: Lycaeus (lycanthropy in Roman mythology)'s Fear Tiself Director larry Fessenden talks horror and Skin and Bones
Darkroastedblend's Amazing books and illumianted manuscripts - *drool*
Humanism quotes
XKCD's Friends (i.e Mr Nice Guy)
NGaiman's Hanukkah With Bells On - "You couldn't, my mother told us, be Jewish and have a Christmas tree."

* Anon.

travel, tv: supernatural, wildlife, news, fandom: picspam, actors: jensen ackles, my daily life, fandom: fanvids, software, family, fandom: fics, memes, actors, news: politics, actors: nathan fillion, books: excerpts, fandom: fanmixes, tv: doctor who, authors: neil gaiman, fandom: crossover, emotion: drool!, fandom: icons

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