Things done today
1) Took flippin' ages to start the day.
2) Froze my ass. And my hands. And face. And everything.
3) Bought a tie rack for my brother.
4) Worked on
Part 2 of Ye Thinking Out Of for the SPN/Threshold idea.
5) Froze s'more.
6) Got a new mood theme \o/ and changed some icons.
7) Watched
The Devil's Whore 1x02
On point 7: I like the show. It's got horses and poofy dresses and rapiers and hot men with long hair and did I mention John Simm? Oh, darling :) Except he's not so much "sexy Simm" as "dirty and raggedy Sexby" which works fine because the angst oozes off the screen.
What I don't like about the show is that I'm not really the best audience for the major plotline. I am hopeless with intrigue, mainly because I can't remember anyone's name, so when there's plotting and letter-writing and whispering in corners, I'm just sitting there going, "Wait, who's that they're talking about? Wait, who?" But that's my fault and my weakness. Still enjoying the show, though.
ETA: *whine* It's a four-parter show only :(
Gaiman: "And frankly, they all join up round the back." That's my view on fandom :) 12:51 AM
Want Crowley to lay smackdown on Castiel, offer Uriel job (who'd hang with Islington) while Arizaphale coos over Bobby's books. 12:44 AM
Goddamnit. I'm gonna have to YouTube me some squee now. Feeling stupid and incompetent. Yay siblings. 12:02 AM
Brother: [Had nothing to say and doesn't give a fuck.] Sickle: D: !!! 12:01 AM
Brother: Going to California! Sickle: *envies* Brother: If you worked hard you could do what you wanted. Sickle: D: ? 12:00 AM
Sickle: Did you see my Amboseli LJ :D? Brother: Yeah, 'cause like *that's* [an LJ] the most important thing. Sickle: D: 11:59 PM
TB Vaccine's all Throbby McOuchy-throb one week later. :( And rabies vaccine woke me up last night with The Itch. 9:26 PM Nov 26th
My brain on crack comes up with phrases like, "What's wrong with a sarong?" and "Fight the pants oppression!" Poor brain. 7:25 PM Nov 26th
In other news: *jabs eye in desperation* STOP TWITCHING! 5:13 PM Nov 26th
LJ Amboseli profile finally done (except for contents, but first we need actual content). \o/ 5:12 PM Nov 26th
Fanvid Idea: Eisley's Invasion -> SPN, Demons getting into and changing the boys. 2:30 PM Nov 26th
Have had nerve on eyelid twitching constantly for TWO WEEKS now. Make it stop. o.0 -> -.0 -> 0.0 repeat ad nauseum 2:04 PM Nov 26th
Funny how two years ago I was labeled Escape Artist. I've gotten less cynical \o/
Your rainbow is shaded white.
What is says about you: You are a contemplative person. You appreciate quiet moments. People depend on you to make them feel secure.
Find the colors of your rainbow at D: ?!?!
I am 47% Psychic I can accurately predict whether someone:
owns cassette tapes
forwards e-mail jokes
eats breakfast
I cannot tell whether someone:
listens to the radio
has played pinball
does his/her own taxes
See what my psychic predicted for me! Take the quiz and get predictions at Links of the Day:
bobinrob - Graphics, icons, etc.
sn_quotes - Quotes and icon!quotes
various journals - Icons, graphics, fanfiction, fanvids, etc.
Observations on Angels Known commenting on Angels, An Endangered Species by Malcolm Godwin,
4x09 Review with a letter to Anna,
4x10 Review with a tally on sexyness,
short SPN/Good Omens drabble (with the
explanation of being Jossed and Kripked),
On Sam&Dean being Sam and Dean,
SPN Running Poetry including
this hilarious onerivers_bend's Fanfic:
Like the Tides of My LifeJensen Ackles in LA Con:
On His Favorite Episode (What Is And What Should Never Be)
teand's Reviews
3x11 (With letters to characters),
a definition of angels, Fanfic:
Fade to Black, Fanfic:
The Ravelled Sleeve of Care (♥)
Fanvids: SPN, Heroes, Veronica Mars, Alias (and
Fanvid Tag), with
lidi highly recommending (and
iconning) Crash for its manips.
teand's Fanfics:
Seventy-Six Trombones Played Gloria Gayner,
Do My Talking,
Between the Linesfleshflutter's Fanfic:
Moths on the Mirrorluzdeestrellas' Fanfic:
Snow Day Random Fandom:
I'm Thankful Fore... icons
Devils Whore Episode and
Never Never Uploads - Community Membership Required
josiefier's Fanfic:
Hostage Situationana_jo's TSCC
Iconsbluejeanius's Doctor Who
Doodle!Comic: Not Sonic Enoughben_munchkin's Lost Fanvid:
Help! (The Beatles; Ben)
cleolinda and co's
Podcast - Includes Twilight discussion
The Cutests Kitten EverOpen LearnNewly discovered deep-sea "elbowed" Magnapinna squid (
ursulav's Kevin's
a guide to the stages of intimacy: part i : our bodies, ourselves News:'s
Carleton student group votes to end Shinerama campaign - Political correctness gone maaaaad!
Yes We Can (Hold Babies) - Obama holding babies!'s
Barack Obama's 'lost' brother found in Kenya - Senator President-Elect Barack Obama's long lost brother has been tracked down for the first time living in a shanty town in Kenya, reports claimed.
Obama's Fascinating Interview with Cathleen Falsani - Tuesday November 11,'s
Wheelchair-bound teenager does backflip on skate rampHuffingtonpost's
Macys Parade Rickrolled Live! (