Well, my exam went as predicted.
I panicked and stared at it blankly at times, wanting to cry at others, and focusing completely on the delightfully mind-numbing calculations required. I needed twice the time available for the multiple choice part, and I hope I did the case analysis alright (although I totally ignored that for the latter two questions she's actually given us numbers we could use).
After the exam we all got together for drinks at the department bar. Free drinks are awesome post-exam, even if it is a cola**. I spent most of the time talking to both Annas, Anna the talkative blonde who drove us all insane during class discussions and Anna the financial-management-lover.
After that, I scurried off home, swinging by the grocery on the way, and had dinner while I tried to come up with a costume within the hour I had before meeting up with Elisa, her roommate Laura and "The Wolf Pack"*** for some Halloween fun.
I ended up wrapping a red bandana and white shawl around my head and loading myself up with necklaces and bracelets to make the "Modern and Yet Still Stereotypical Gypsy Fortuneteller". It turned out rather nice, except that later in the night Elisa suggested I put the tail end of the shawl up on my head, which while more comfortable did lead to my being confused for an orthodox Muslim****. Thankfully, I knew most of the boys already and they're all really sweet. They were even dressed up! We had Elvis, a warlock,
Flavor Flav from
Public Enemy, a punk chick and a few last minutes.
Much wine was drunk, and even a bit of beer (Heineken, of course). Lots of (incriminating) pictures were taken, which you'll see when I get them from Elisa and co. I even got to snuggle with Puss the 17-year-old cat whom I flippin' adore. (And yes, that's totally a highlight.)
Then we all went to the dance bar Hifi, where familiar faces were met (including people from my class, which was a bit uncool, I guess, like mixing professional and social lives) and everyone was dressed up and I even got chatted up by nice folk like tall-and-muscley Justin (think slimer version of Vin Diesel) and danced with the Wolf Pack guys.
Links of the Day:
Week Three Pep-talk Doctor Who:
"Ten's Last Words" Threadversaphile's
Journey's End Might-Have-Beens Heroes:
Advent Calender Drabble SeriesFreewebs.com's
Transcript of Empire's interview with ZachDigitalspy.co.uk's
A quick chat with Sylar - Includes video.
3x10 Promo Pics and Press Release - Oz!!!
John Simm:
100th Dayversary Picspam: Comm Favoritesjohn_simm's
The Devil's Whore Videoclip - Community membership required.
The Devil's Whore Interview - Incldues video.
News and Politics:
The Onion's
Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over' - Jan. 2001 Parody
Obama Is Up, and Fans Fear That Jinxes ItRaising Cain - Documentary on boys in the USA
Audio Readings of "The Hot Door" and "Strength (Bell Donner Gives Her Word)"The Raven read by Christopher Walken - c/o
Stan Lee's Acting Talents Finally Put To Good UseJezebel.com's
Charlie Brown: The Great Pumpkin - On the internet in its entirety.
Halloween fun Random:
Anne Rice: A Message to Fans - While I understand, I am disappointed in her as an author. I just don't get the whole, "Everything has to be about God now" thing
Fanlore WikiWiki: The Podge and Rodge ShowWiki: Dead Set (TV Series)Bruce Spingsteen's
A Night With The Jersey Devil - Video and free download.
Headtripqthewetsprocket on Watership Down, Raising Cain: Boys in Focus and masculinity
zombie_survival shares a The Day of the Dead clipversaphile quotes Lynda Barry on writer's blockThomas.Apestaart's
Things I Like in Music: lyric sample * Flavor Flav
** What you have to call a Coke here if you want people to understand.
*** Laura's boyfriend's friends
**** The farsi bouncer even said "
salaam aleikum" and had it not been wholly unexpected and 3:30 am, I would've instantly replied "aleikum as-salaam" with maybe even a hands-to-head gesture, but alas, instead I was just o.0 and then, "Ah. Salaam!"