Let us remember, when we are inclined to be disheartened...*

Oct 30, 2008 20:46

...that the private soldier is a poor judge of the fortunes of a great battle.*

The "Someone Hug Me!" Meme via lienne:
On the theory that we could all use a hearty dose of positive energy and general warm fuzziness while we wait, none too patiently, for better times; that *no* one I know is getting told often enough what a good job they are doing just getting through this crazy, lovely world. Take a second, and mention something you like about me (if such a thing exists) in the comments. Then repost this to your own journal, and have some goodness for yourself.

\o/ ?

In other news, very, very tired. Finished the readings for FM exam, but haven't done any exercises yet. *eyes last year's exam warily*

Been carting around sumo wrestler's corpse very heavy bag and purse (including rainwear which takes up a lot of space and it didn't even have the decency to rain!), and struggling to strap that mother-lover to my bike's ass rack (like that's a better word) was frickin' exhausting and claustrophobic. (Maybe that's not the right -phobic word, but I was all tied down with stuff and couldn't move and was just plain freaking out because omg heavy stuff hanging off me and I can't get it to behave.)

Nothing to eat in the house except spinach, pasta and cereal. Meh.

Oh gods... I've been getting home and just throwing myself on the bed with my coat and bags and everything and just completely losing control of my voluntary muscles until I manage to pep talk myself into moving again. There may be some woe soaking into the pillow. Am so fucked. Also tired. Which I've mentioned.

Also, you know what? My tailbone, the one I basically had my bike's seat ram into which left me unable to lie on my back for days? Still giving me delightful shots of pure agony. Fuck you fused bone, and fuck you, evolutionary ancestors. I wanted a tail.

I've got stuff I want to say about Heroes and MTV's Made and the "Omg, not the Twitter!" posts I've seen this week (I Have An Opinion), but right now all I can do is whine that my feet are cold and that I have to take off my coat which is going to be fucking exhausting and how no one but me's going to make me diner and I appear to be invisible to other pedestrians and bikers who are so unbelievable stupid dismissive of traffic rules I'm going to go apeshit on them. Just as soon as I can move.

* Dean Inge

my crack metaphors, my rants, memes, my daily life

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