You validate people’s lives by your attention.*

Oct 14, 2008 23:27

I was going to post some fickle statement about some random crap but just hung up with Ma** and I have Heroes waiting for me.

I was quoted 8 times on heroes_meta's 3x04 post! \o/ Whoo-ee!*** This is my squee for the day. And week. (Second only to Heroes 3x05 squee.)

ETA: Feed the mememonster! Ask me questions!

The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
CategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer Community Attachment20.43%
You've got pals to cheer you up when you're down, but no audience to applaud you... Yet.22.88% MemeSheepage40.35%
An expert on multiple-choice questions, an whiz at the cut-and-paste27.63% Original Content58.06%
Using LiveJournal to express a few strong opinions38.09% Psychodrama Quotient6.02%
Warning: Can Flame When Necessary16.62% Attention Whoring25%
You do a little dance whenever someone friends you20.68%
Take The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
and see how you match up!

(By The Ferrett)

Links of Yester Years:
cupcakery's Heroes Meta: 3x04 with strike>interpretative dance images.
kuwdora's Heroes Fanvid: I Kissed A Boy (Sylar/Mohinder)
zqfans's Maxim Scans - Hot man + hot car = death.
heroes_macros's I'm Old Greg, or am I Sylar? (Might Boosh/Heroes Crossover)
dens_serpentis's Heroes/BtVS Fanfic: Indestructible on the Hellmout Part 2
kethni's Heroes Fanfic: Five Ways that Matt is Too Smart for Mohinder
kleenexcow's Heroes Fanfic: Damn the Man (And Suffer the Little Children)
Lana's Heroes Fanfic: Patient Zero and Not Alone (Mohinder/Sylar)
thesoulwithin's Theory on Niki et al.
tju_tju_tju_tju's RPS Fanfic: Harmonium (Zach/Senhil)
kyogama's "Where do I put my Heroes tattoo?" Poll
roga's Heroes/Discworld Fanfic: How the Might Have Fallen: An Instruction Manual
shinypilot's Heroes Fanfic: Weakness (Sylar&Bennet)
sylargrrrl's Heroes 3x03 Sylar Screencaps
sylar_claire's 3x02 Behind the Scenes Screencap
heroes_pointcp's Heroes 3x01 Review
info_cassie's Heroes/Star Wars Sylar & Vader Comic
foxsyd's Milo Ventimiglia: Not-Quite-Nekkid Picspam
brdwaybebe's Heroes Season 1 Macro Icons
o_on00b's ZQuinto Desktop and another one
thepandorarose's Heroes Meta: 3x04: Fun with Pictures and Fanfic: A Capable Woman: A Life of Angela Petrelli Complete

Firefly 1x15, Dead or Alive Screenplay
Red Right Hand's Thoughts on Firefly's 7th Season Premiere
Jayne-style hoodies for sale

Doctor Who/Torchwood:
kateorman's Torchwood Great Moments in Screencapping
t_eyla's Doctor Who Fanvid: Help (Doctor/Donna)
the_tenzo's DTennant Picspam

bramblyhuck's Heathus Camp Comic and, with sporkninja, Icons off Batman and the Beast 3
codysgirlkyla's TDK Fanfic: The Ten Commandments, a la The Joker

TSCC:'s October 9 Status Update on TSCC
EndOfShow's October 2 Exclusive: Terminator Gets, Yes, Terminated and kissingdaylight's Reaction on scc_johncameron
sirensong19's TSCC Spoilers: Information about Allison From Palmdale
fated_addiction's TSCC Fanfic: Air for Paper Planes (John/Cameron)

Neil Gaiman:
NGaiman's Coraline Webpage and The Other Coraline's Webpage
The Graveyard Book Audio: Chapter 11

crevette's RDowney Jr as Sherlock Holmes Photo - Guh.

fallen_iceangel's .gif of Pres. Bush doing a traditional dance from somewhere in the African continent

qthewetsprocket's Through the Den of Horrors...or, how i survived my very first double endoscopy, John Simm singing in Doctor Who: LotTL, Which Doctor Who Companion Are You? Meme, Picspam Essay: Defend Us in Battle - Gene Hunt and his Kingdom in Life on Mars

ack_attack's BSG Season 6 Extended Kara and Lee Scene and "Which Celebrity Would You Crush?"Picspam Meme

blizzardcake's Hello! Project Game Show: Run for the Money, Sarah Pali: *facepalm*, Turkish Music

dien's On Original vs. Fanfic Writing and their Relative Difficulties

Giantitp's Greatest Villain Quotes

DailyMail's Terry Pratchett Essay: I'm slipping away a bit at a time...and all I can do is watch it happen

* Anon. or uncredited
** Apparently I'm not allowed to say "I'm tired" because I'm always saying this. Well excuse me if working on a case anaylsis for 5 hours straight - eating my lunch 'fore the 'puter - and then discussing it for 2 hours and then taking a 30 minute break before a grueling while of Abdominal Training followed by Ye Grocery Shopping and Ye Feeding and Hygiene ritual brings us to 11 pm leaves me tired. Apparently I'm a shitty lightweight.
*** FTFU. I need pats on the back and ain't no one just handin' them out. Life's hard work and I want a little "whoot" aimed at me once in a while.

books: audio, writing, fandom: art, tv: heroes, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, tv: tscc, quotes, emotion: argh!, fandom: screencaps, family, fandom: fics, fandom: heroes_meta, tv: torchwood, tv: transcripts, authors: terry pratchett, memes, actors, news: politics, movies: tdk, books: excerpts, tv: doctor who, authors: neil gaiman, movies, fandom: icons, fandom: comics, music, tv: firefly/serenity, tv: clips

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