You'll come back when it's over*

Oct 13, 2008 22:45

Today I learnt about Netherlands Forensic Institute and Crucell. Between those guest lectures there was a lecture on Financial Management, but seeing as I didn't understand a single word (or its two or three synonyms, which argh1), I'm not going to mention it further.

Somewhere in there I had lunch with the boys of my class who were all playing a card game. I even got asked to shove over so one could play, which I was a tad displeased with. But hey, I got to correct Reni on what he thought coño meant. And Jan-Hein explained the rules, and Tim asked if I wanted to play, and they're all dolls, really. And girl-who's-name-I'm-forgetting asked if I'd rather sit with them if I wasn't having fun, so folk're nice. Yay people!

Then off to the biology building to read a chapter on financial management and get given a slice of delicious gingerbread-and-almond cake. (Pauline and Miriam are dolls who work in the same room as I and with whom I took my required courses.)

Then, on my way back to my bike, post-gym, in a melancholy mood thanks to hormones + introspective meditation, I noticed that it was not-quite-raining. It was more of a thick cloud at ground level, just the sort of weather I love. So I looked at the gorgeous night, wrapped myself up in my scarf - not that is was cold at al - and decided on A Detour.

I sometimes do these detours, where I take a very round-about way of getting home just for the pleasure of walking (or in this case, biking). I plugged in my earphones and biked past trees and fields lit with white or yellow light, spying the odd heron or gods-knows-what, seeing the leaves fall in a gorgeous light and mist, and generally being all mellow and "the world is beautiful".

This sadly evolved into "Oh woes!", but the world was still beautiful. So I biked to the train station the long way and then turned right back around, back to the gym, and did the trek over again. There was a mix of "I could keep doing this forever (let's run away)" and "...I'm supposed to pedal? Huh? Legs, you doin' anything? Ah, there we go, moving impulse back online." There was a bit more "Oh woes!", a bit heavier rain, but damn, it was good.

Then I got home and threw myself on the bed in the dark and listened to some music while I remembered how to lift my arms about and eventually made it out of my wet clothes and set about making dinner. Which I've just had. Oy.

Now I have to read the case for tomorrow. I'm going to hate working in my FM group. We're working in that computer lab I hate, and they're the kind to just divide the questions and copy-paste everyone's answers to a document without discussing any of it. I need discussion!

ETA: heroes_meta, get yer ass in gear and post already! You're my only Heroes fix on Official Heroes Day, damnit!

Meme via fallen_iceangel:

1) Make a list of fifteen characters first, and keep it to yourself for the moment. (That way you're not leading the questions asked to fit the characters.)

2) Ask your flist to post questions in the comments.

For example:

'One, Nine, Fifteen and Twenty-One are chosen by a prophecy to save the world from Four. Do they succeed?'
'Under what circumstances might Five and Seven fall in love?'
'Which character on the list would you most want on your side in a zombie invasion?'
'What would Two experience in Silent Hill?'
'What Pokémon would Eight have?'
'Write a drabble in which Sixteen and Nineteen FIGHT CRIME.'

Links of the Day:
Petition: Move The Sarah Connor Chronicles to Wednesdays - If I'd posted my pending boat-load of links by now, you'd know TSCC is in cancelation-limbo. Sleeping Beauty May Be Safe, But Ariel Has Some Explaining To Do
Politics: Palin in the Library art by Zina Saunders
lilyrose_icons's latest icon batch
iconzicons's Robert Downey Jr as Sherlock Holmes and Robert DeNiro's Taxi Driver icons.
lillianporter's Heroes and TSCC icons
piratehatter's Joker/Dr.Crane Drawing
batman_lulz's Joker/Luthor 08 Campaign Video, "I don't know what we're yelling about" comic, Mad Magazine's The Dork Knight Scans
kay090786's Ben Linus Fanvid
Anomaly Comic: Joker, Batman and Catwoman (not pictured)

* "The Call", Regina Spektor

travel, actors, memes, news: politics, movies: tdk, movies, art, childhood staples, fandom: icons, postgrad: sci-business, tv: tscc, tv: lost, fandom: comics, my daily life, fandom: fanvids

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