The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.*

Sep 30, 2008 23:15

heroes_meta: Omg, you guys!** Heroes 3x03! I clapped! Like a fucking seal! I was bouncing from the squee! I AM THRILLED! Sylarcakes, you've just defined a new level of awesome. And adorable. And omg the clothes. The clothes.

And what's better than Sylarcakes being all 'sauce***? The triple sundae of Epic Awesome. Mamma Petrelli, HRG, and Sylar. All playing each other, all working together, all kicking ass. I'm just so happy XD

Writers, just one thing: WTF kind of messed up stereotypic "African man" shit do you have going on? I find myself expecting kangaroos to jump by hand-in-hand with apaloosa's carrying the Great Book of Sterotypes and punching the shit out of the God of Sociology, his pet rock (Mr. Common Sense, the Third), and burning down his Great Shack of Geography. Nothing was accurate! Nothing! Not even one simple thing! I'm so confused my brain's going to implode!

ETA: So...Peter's the newfangled power is the ability to bowl people over with the power of his emo and attention-seeking shouts? How is this a new power? How is this power even worthy of Bennett's shudderifying "you don't want to know" description of Jessee's power? Seriously? Shouty-McShout is scarier than Mr "I know your worst fears and I can make 'em happen" guy? Hell, tape'll stop Jesee; a freakin' soon-to-be corpse and metal whatsit didn't stop Freddy Kreuger's younger brother.

Links of the Day:
zqfans's post Zachary Quinto's Promo fro Heroes HD rewatch
aelora's 3x03 reaction squee, Sylar-centric and defends Sylar 3x03 characterization with 1x00 evidence - Flocked, but it's a) easy-peasy to get friended and b) awesome.
Heroes 3x04 Promo - Bwahahahaha! ♥!

* Emily Dickinson
** Current emotions necessitate this form of expression. It was either that or incoherent squee.
*** Awesomesauce. Which will henceforth be simply, "The Sauce". For yea.

fandom: analysis, fandom: fics, my crack metaphors, fandom: heroes_meta, emotion: omgyay!, tv: heroes

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