We don't sniff the sub-etheric resonator!*

Jul 23, 2008 22:50

Boring life is boring. Havenit gone out of the house today. 'Netted for ages, and read suprememly boring Self Study textbook. Also, my eye is regaling me with little stabbity-stabs of pain.

"In Three Words" Meme c/o snowgrouse
Answer each question in exactly THREE words. It sounds easy, but it's harder than you think! <- Lies, says Sickle.

Where is your cell phone? - In my purse.
Your boyfriend/girlfriend husband/wife? - Land of make-believe.
Your hair? - Dark springy curls.
Where is your father? - Across the Atlantic.
Cheesecake? - Best in Chicago.
Your dream last night? - A big blank.
Your favorite drink? - Like Captain Picard's.
Your dream car? - Bumper car ftw.
The room you're in? - My everything room.
George Bush? - Can go now.
Nipple rings? - No thnkx bai.
Who did you hang out with last night? - The internet folks.
What you're not good at? - Most social things.
Your best friend? - Too long absent.
Where did you grow up? - Where didn't I?
What are you wearing? - Previously yellow pj's.
Tattoo on the lower back? - Uncool, slutty (apparently).
Ketchup? - McD's: not free.
Your computer? - My new darling.
Your life? - A rudderless dingy.
Your mood? - Am delightfully sherried.
Missing? - Everyone is missing.
What are you thinking about right now? - Alone isn't safe.
Your car? - Invisible and immaterial.
Your summer? - Wasted and lonely.
Your relationship status? - The eternal spinster.
Your favorite color? - Most blue shades.
When is the last time you laughed? - Definately not today.
Last time you cried? - Been a while.
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow? - A tropical flower.
High school? - It's schools, plural.

Links of the Day:
omphalos brings rumoured casting spoilers for Doctor Who Christmas Special - *ecstatic bouncing*
bassair's Torchwood/BtVS Fanfic: Magic and Mayhem at the Rift
echo_fangirl's Torchwood Fanfic: Unknown Quantities and it's can-stand-alone sequel Frames of Reference (Jack, Owen)
tuneless's Torchwood Fanfic: The Eye Begins to See (Owen/Ianto)
osprey_archer's Torchwood Fanfic: Tea and Sympathy (Owen/Ianto)
dwtwslashawards - Massive reading material, as well as art, manips and fanvids, including this hilarious crack!vid.
Fanvid: The Story of How I Died (Torchwood/Doctor Who/Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes)
News: Real Dinosaur on the Loose in a Museum Makes Learning Fun, Extremely Dangerous

* Ianot Jones, Torchwood

tv: life on mars, fandom: fics, tv: torchwood, actors, memes, fandom: fanvids, tv: doctor who

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