We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.*

Jun 26, 2008 16:27

Current events in the life of the Sickle:

1) I'm sick. This sucketh muchly. Yesterday, it felt like I had a squirming amphibian flopping around in my throat. Last night, I must've won the Rolling-In-Bed Marathon - I doubt I slept. And today, finally, it's the joy of an achey head, off body temperature and swallowing of the ever-present wire cotton ball in my throat. Yays.

2) I've printed and bound 6 copies of my paper, which let me tell you, massive amounts of paper. They're all nicely bound - by moi - and left on the desks of appropriate people. The librarian, Edith, is an absolute darling, teaching me how to use the binding machine ("This is the lever, these are the slots, and now you just put the paper into the spiral.") and how many hard copies I actually need to make, and who needs them. Lovely lady.

3) Talked to Mamaji and Brother yesterday, and got only positive response over the possible internship in Amboselia NP. So I think it's a go, then. I'll email the prof - I have a meeting mid-July, but might as well. And then, sooner than I care to think - but still far off in the future - you'll be looking forward to a 3-4 month absence from yours truly as I galavant around the African savanna after radio-collared lions. Ah, good times.

3b) Also got quasi-hung-up-on by mom, as I was complaining about how it was way late and I didn't want to enter in an hour-long discussion because I wanted to go to sleep - this conveniently enough when she started berating me over not thinking about getting a job, and seconds before her, "Let me tell you something," speech got on a roll. So there I was, saying, "No, I don't want to hang up this instant but soon, yes." So then I get a *click* and spend the next 10 minutes staring at the ceiling trying to not give a shit. (Like that works.) But today I got an email from Mom about how she'd run out of credit on ViopCheap and by the time she'd fixed things, it was too late to re-call. Personally? I wouldn't mind at all if I got a call way after being hung up on by said hanging-up person just to tell me, "No, don't hate you, just technical difficulties." Some things need immediate correction, and the "Nope, don't hate you," ones are top on that list.

4) Watching Spain/Russia tonight with Elisa. Whoot!

5) Got 875 words down of The Balloonist's Wife and the muse still ain't dead! Double-whoot!
ETA: Volunteers for a beta? Anyone?

6) Internet at home is un-cooperative. No whoot whatsoever.

I have a little peeve running about today. On a whim, and because Mom gives me a load of makeup gift samples, I decided to try my hand at eyeshadow. Nothing too drastic, just a shade darker and one lighter than my own skin, very natural-like. I added this to my usual mascara, and decided, hell, might as well put on some blush and a bit of lipgloss. No biggie, right? There I am, very neutral and natural makeup and summer dress. Nothing to gossip about.

Well, apparently it was a big deal, to my roommate, at least. She was all, "Oh, you're so dressed up!" (Summer dress = dressed up = wtf?) "And the makeup!" Yeah, well, just trying something out... "But you don't need it. You look fine without it."

And that's when the peeve was born. I don't wear make-up because I need it. I don't think make-up is something anyone needs. Damnitall, I just felt like it, it made me feel pretty, it was a mini-celebration of life, whathaveyou. What, mildly-attractive women in their mid-twenties aren't allowed to wear make-up? And since when is a summer dress and the bare-minimum of the most neutral of make-up "being dressed up"? Argh! It's enough to make me throw myself head-first in the mud. (Although, mind, I think my clothes style is a touch more formal or dressy than most kids today. But then, how can it not, with summer skirts and shite? *head!desk*)

At least the porter at the CML department said I looked pretty. That was nice.

Meme: Commonly-Confused Words, or How Good is Your English?

Your result for The Commonly Confused Words Test...
English Genius

You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!

Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!

For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog: http://shortredhead78.blogspot.com/.
Take The Commonly Confused Words Test at Hello Quizzy

I feel I may've done this meme a gazillion times before. How can people mess these questions up, I don't know. (Mind you, I do need to think loose/lose over still.) My results page.

Links of the Day:
Tim Minear's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Screenplay based on RHeinlein's novel
rusty_halo discusses Doctor Who: Turn Left
arib's speculation on a Doctor Who: Turn Left plotpoint - It's TARDIS!speak! for OMGWTFBBQ!
sage_theory discusses Nine and Ten of Doctor Who - Or rather, their actors.
JsyGirl's Doctor Who/Firefly Crossover Fanfic: Fireflies in the Storm - River meets the Doctor and Martha while the ship is dirtside on Persephone to refuel and arrange a new job. Craziness and drama ensue.
Rodeo Injuries and Casualties: The Animals also Get Hurt

* Firefly: Ariel

tv: transcripts, fandom: fic, people: nice, memes, tv: doctor who, authors, fandom: crossover, fandom: analysis, language: english, tv: firefly/serenity

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