New Lost episodes come out February, 2009. I'm already feeling the withdrawal. I might need to track down 2x14: One of Them, 2x18: Dave, 3x16: One of Us and 3x20: The Man Behind the Curtain. (Ben-obsessed? What do you mean?) I sort of want to go over the Henry Gale bits slowly - rather than my first rushed viewing, where I watched a number of episodes back-to-back. (Seriously, guys, I got caught up on 3 seasons of Lost in one summer.)
Speaking of Michael Emerson and my current "Zomg the acting!" obsession: damn theatre! (The man's done waaay more theatre than screen.) I mean, I like it and appreciate it, but damn it all! Think of posterity! Of people too far or too poor or too tied up to watch you perform! Tape the damn thing! There's so many plays I wish I'd had the chance to see - Simm's Elling for one - and so many I know I want to - Tennant's Hamlet, for another - that it all just seems so unfair.
Quote of the Day: Kit-kat
the animals were as endearing as ever, and one of the sheep behaved exactly like Corgan does when he's unsure if there's a treat in the vicinity - sniffing the air in great big gusts that make his sides tremble, all the while with an indignant look on his face because he can't quite believe that there's no treat even though he can't smell one.
Links of the Day
Hot Bad Guys Listsamplificathon's
Official Anthologieswtf_nature's
post on the most prolific somniloquest (sleeptalker), Dion McGregor, on record (
Audio over on MySpace)
Screencaps: DTennant on Trick or Treat - Adorable!
Lost: The Economisst (Deleted Scene)Lost: Alternative Orchid Station Orientation FilmLostpedia: Archived Debate "Spoilers do not diminish the LOST viewing experience." * Dion McGregor (asleep)