Drone seeks Hive

Jan 15, 2006 13:20

I have a place to live! Tralala! It´s frelling amazing! Huge! Ginormous!

And also not particularly cheep, but cheaper than the other option I had, so nah..

The neighbourhood is what would be called a "good neighbourhood" and, though there´s no metro nearby, there´s various busses and railroads and not too far from the centre.

Oh god. I´m going to live with two girls and a guy. I have to buy everything from salt to laundry soap. I´ve got to figure out how the cleaning system works.

Needless to say, woke up with a start of near-panic.

I´ve paid the deposit and the rest of this month to my landlord. (The keys I get from the student´s living there tomorrow.) He´s a prof at the Autonomic University and has decided to help me solve my life. He´s suggested (strongly) that the thing to do is go to one of two really good private uni´s (none too cheap, either) and do an MBA. "With your languages and Bachelor," he says, "you´re afraid of the world?" Well, yes...

But he´s right. I mean, *everyone* is doing an MBA. It would be necesary for almost any nine-to-five job.

So that´s one thing I have to investigate for September.

As for the immediate future, I´ve got to take a placement examination the 27th for French and, if my number gets picked for the raffle, I´ll take an intensive summer course.

Oh joy.

As for other, nicer things, I´ve watched Captives, a film with Tim Roth and Juila Ormond (lent to me by Enrique, MCarmen´s hubby**). I have one thing to say: Tim is a fucking* genius.

Also, he does sexual tension very well. *evil grin*

Over on this side of the pond, the newspapers sell cheap DVD´s and books along with the newspapers. Sometimes they have series, like "Hollywood´s best actors", "Jack Nicholson´s filmography" or "Europe´s best films". I´ve bought "Love Actually", "Transpotting", "Goodbye Lenin", "Le Diner des Cons" (hi-larious, and Thierry Lhermitte is fab.)and "Italian for Beginners". Enrique (Kique) has a huge collection but no time.

While we´re on the subject of strangely attractive and really good and intense actors...

Dear Mr. J. Phoenix,

When the hell d´you get so hot?

Lustfully yours,


Walk the Line comes out in Febuary. *waits* *is impatient*

* I was going to write "frelling" but hell, censorship starts in your head. Screw that.

** Mom´s old school friend who live sin Barcelona and has had me over lots of weekends and is a fantastic person. She works at the hospital, her hubby´s setting up a company and works nights at the ER and can spend days without sleeping. Both are really nice and accepting and optimistic. They´ve got two girls, Marta (teaches) and Cristina (finishing film studies) who are both nice.

Oh, also cut hair. :)

PS: I´m Anaesthesia at www.imdb.com

movies, actors, daily life

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