Well, you're a fish, you have no choice!*

Mar 30, 2008 22:40

I didn't make a spectacle of myself at the airport - besides the "What's this chick doing just hanging around and reading scientific articles?" - and managed to actually work. (I also payed a ridiculous amount of cash for a Starbucks hot chocolate, but I just had to. It tasted of chemical hazelnut with sugar. Eh. The Starbucks is new and, if you'll believe my roommate, only the second Starbucks in the whole country. Where's Timmy when you need 'im?)

Anyway, it's near midnight, which means that if I were a responsible adult I would go to bed soon. Meaning, I wouldn't watch The Hogfather, by TPratchett. Responsible adults are no fun at all.

Hogfather clip: No spoilers, just awesomeness.

image Click to view

Another thing I've been working on, just on a totally random whim, is posting for your reading pleasure a little inspiring comic. It's from a Spanish newspaper, and I've been meaning to tack it up on my wall for ages. It's just just such a perfect little picker-upper :)

Wow**, the sea's so pretty, so imposing... And the water looks so refreshing, so pure...

"Come on, man, what's your problem? Get in and stop messing about***."
"Hey, I can't, alright?!? I'm terrified of the ocean ever since I watched Jaws****

Hey, yeah... I remember that movie... It was a bit freaky^, yeah. But from that to not getting into the water, come on, man!"
"Well, you're a fish, you have no choice!"

"Look, kid, if you're afraid of that thing because of a flick, imagine us, its stock food. In my family, being devoured by a shark is something hereditary, you know?"
"Wow, that's tough^^."

"But then... How can you be like that, so cool?"
"Well...you know... I know death is waiting at every turn, so I intend to live life to the fullest."

"And what about you?!? When are you going to stop being afraid of everything and start doing what you like in life, eh^^^?!"

"If you feel like getting into the ocean, just fucking do it! Look at me! I'm not scared! Because I don't mind dying! Because that's how the brave live! To the fullest!^^^^"

"Let's see if you learn! Life's all about risks, mate^^^^^!"
"Wow^*^, so much wisdom in the head of a simple little fishy."

"You know what? You're right, friend! I have to do it, I can't go on with this absurd fear!"

"This time I got you one of the big bites, trust me."
"Good job, kid... You've won yourself another week of life."

ETA: Funny how after logging off with Ma on Skype, my brother near-immediately Skyped. Hmmm! Suspicious? Naaaah.

ETA2: Duuuude, what I wouldn't give to ruffle David Tennant's hair right now. *ruffles immaginary Tennant!hair* *happy sigh*

Links of the Day:
rogueslayer42's Fanmix: The Devil Inside (Sylar)

* Ibid comic
** Actually, it's more like "Fu", because "Jo" is short for "joder" (fuck in the infinitive). Everyone in Spain says this without meaning to be offensive.
*** I understand the slang, I just don't know what it means enough to offer up an adequate translation. Feh.
**** Titled Shark in Spanish.
^ Literally, "It gave a bit of thing." The "thing" in question being either of the scary or creepy variety.
^^ Literally, "How strong." New slang, let me show you it. I have no idea what it means, apart from the basic 0.0 translation.
^^^ The fish is obviously Canadian in this version.
^^^^ Literally, "to the limit", but that reads weird.
^^^^^ Or the fish is English, whatev'.
^*^ Our phonetic spellings of English words, fear it. (We do this so much, it's shameful.)

authors: terry pratchett, comics, my photos, tv: clips

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