I don't ever want to wake up*

Mar 28, 2008 11:44

I don't ever want to shut my eyes again.*

Two incredibly shiny things have happened. The lesser shiny is that I watched The Colour of Magic "mucked about by" Terry Pratchett**, and it was everything I could have hoped for. (Except Death's mask, which *shrug*).

The second, and most shiniest thing EVAR is that Kit-kat called. !!!!!!!!! Talking to her like we'd just hung out the day before - although it's been *counts* three years since we last saw each other - was just so, so... Aw man, perfect and lovely and made me so frelling happy I near cried (but didn't, 'cause I was ZOMG TALKING TO KIT-KAT!). *insert more gushing which eliminates all ability for coherent thought* ♥!!! Muffin!

*points up* See quote? See quote run. That's sort of what's going on with me. It's not that I've got insomnia, or really wacked-out sleep patterns. I just hate the concept of tomorrow, or of starting a new day. So I stay up way late at night avoiding going to sleep because then I'll be propelled into the next day. And that's why I lounge around in bed in the morning, sinking back into sleep again and again, avoiding actually facing this brand new day I've been flung into. It is a very le suck feeling. Blargh.

Today I have to read an article and email in three "theses" (translation: statements for discussion) for the seminar. Then I have to writewritewrite my damn project. And this weekend I have two things, other than the ever-constant project, that I have to do: 1) find some articles as backup for Seminar presentation, 2) indulge in a Pina Colada at the Popocatepetl Mexican restaurant. Guess which I'm looking forward to?

And now I have to stop procrastinating and finish that stupid article.

(I would be so much more productive if I had a more structured pressure than just random "Oh dears, I havn't worked" guilt. Like, if I actually had to be somewhere working for a given amount of time. This, "work when and for as long as you can" system of mine sucks arse.)

Quote of the Day: villainny's metaquotesed post

What I want, still, more than anything in the world, is to find out that stories are real. I am still careful around wardrobes and watch avidly through the gaps in broken-down walls and try to spot the people from London Below on the Tube.

I haven't flung myself against the wall in Kings Cross, yet, but I take great delight in watching other people do so. XD

I make up stories about the people I see, especially if they vanish into nondescript doors or walk into blind alleys or look a little freaked out by the crazy girl people around them. I love Torchwood because I know where the aliens are!

I don't want to grow out of this, thank you. Growing up is overrated.

Links of the Day:
galadriella1's Fanfic: On the Other Side, Chapter 1, Doctor Who: Martha finds herself in the parallel universe where Rose and co. ended up.
squills's fanfic: Again and Agin Until Finally, Heroes (Sylinder)
fiery_twilight's Picspam: Ten Reasons Why the Doctor and Rose Are the Most Adorkable Couple Ever
2cbetter2, on doctorwho, starts a discussion on the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith's relationship

* "My Madonna", Dexter Freebish
** Unexpected Pratchett Cameo for the win!

fandom: fics, authors: terry pratchett, friends, books, emotion: omgyay!, tv: doctor who, tv, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, postgrad

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