Promises and pie-crust are made to be broken.*

Feb 18, 2008 17:06

I've cancelled tonight's viewing because it's E75 over my budget and I wouldn't be allowed to register at city hall, which is a very bid deal. So, no one's making a pie out of me. Yays. However, no room for me. By now, I've sent out quite a number of "Oh, pick me! Pick me!" emails, but have only gotten one other response, which is tomorrow's viewing. This response rate is not good. *headdeask*

I've read 5 articles in almost as many hours. 'Tis but a fraction of what I have to read, and the outline's just a mess of topics and authors' names. Argh. Highly unproductive, this is. And I'm still 2 signatures short for my forms.

I watched Ashes to Ashes 1x02 over lunch today, and still want to smack Alex. I don't think she'll be growing on me. And seeing Gene mooning over her isn't something I want to see. (Seeing Gene moon her, however, was fun.) So dunno if I'll hang in there or just check out old shows. When's Doctor Who back, damnit?

Finished Kushiel's Chosen. I'm such a Phedre/Joscelin shipper, it's sad. The angst! There's just so much angst! As an aside, allow me a moment to "omg wtf" at the fact that there's 5 books in this series, as of yet. I'm not made of money! Nor in an English-language country! *whine*

Started reading Threshold by CRKiernan (2001). The style's very interesting - sort of like someone's in a panic whist telling you a story, mixing up times, dreams with reality, describing things oddly and in run-on sentences... Took a couple pages getting used to, but now it's more like a steam train, and you don't want to stop reading it. Oh, and I'm on chapter 1 and we've already had 5 deaths recounted, and I'm guessing another one on the way. Jolly little thing, ain't it?

Chapter One: Chance

Morning after the funeral, latest funeral in what seems to Chance Matthews to have become a litany of caskets and wreaths and frowning undertakers that might go on forever, if there were anyone left she cared about, anyone left to die. All night she drove the narrow back roads north of the city, countrydark roads, just her and a pint bottle of Wild Turkey, the music blaring loud from her tape deck, chasing the headlights of her old Impala, trying to escape and knowing there was no way to go that far, that fast. No gravity greater than the pull of her loss and now Chance sits on the hood of the car as the summer sun bleeds in through the trees on Red Mountain, seeps hot between dogwood and hackberry branches, and soon it will burn away the dew that sequin speckles the front yard of her dead grandparents' house. The Impala's engine pops and clicks its secret, exhausted car language as it cools after the long and restless night.

Links of the Day: Kushiel's Legacy series** and quotes
In eluaschildren, violet_quill's Fanfic: Be My Signale (Melisande/Phedre/Joscelin)
In kushiels_slayer, queenzulu's Fanfic:
Cassiel's Choice
(BtVs/Kushiel's Legacy: Faith/Joscelin, Phedre/Joscelin)
In kushiels_slayer, ladylakira's Fanfic: Kushiel's Hand (Part 1) and Part 2. (I'm a bit hesitant to read this: seems like a sort of OOC fuck-fest with every Joss character ever...but sometimes that's just the thing.)
queenzulu's Fanfic: Love as Thou Wilt (House/Kushiel's Legacy: House/Phedre, House/Wilson)
BtVS quotes, quotables (icons), Cool Quotes Collection

* Jonathan Swift
** Gods the fanfic is

tv: btvs, fandom: icons, fandom: fics, quotes, books: excerpts

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