That is the truest truth to ever grace truthdom.*

Feb 07, 2008 13:31

Eleven pages of references, and still finding articles. Basically I'm downloading every single article available on African wilds dogs (and some that ain't). Every. Single. One. Zomg. I've got 42 downloaded so far, and that's not even half of it.

I'd started putting little notes on my outline, saying which articles I'd use for which section, but ye gods, that's been left undone for a long time. And now I'm scared to start up again. I'm going to have to print these, eradicating a small forest on the way, and fill up the Giant Binder of Win.

Guess what? I actually work better at a computer lab. I'm out of the house and basically chained to the computer. No need to think or move or anything. This is especially good today, because I was freaking out this morning and forgetting how to breathe. I've confirmed that public bathrooms are my version of Little Cubicle of Sanity.

Also, while today may be Lostursday, it isn't for me, because of the unholy sum of time differences and bittorent lagtime. *le woe*

ETA: I never did squee at finding articles by Baron Hugo van Lawick, who was Jane Goodall's husband and a fantastic documentary filmmaker - for which he won 8 Emmy awards. A good many years ago I caught The Leopoard Son on the-then-good Discovery Channel, and loved it. I actually managed to snag his Solo: the Story of an African Wild Dog book, and treasure it (despite the heartwrenching nature of the story). His posthumous website.

ETA 4:18 pm: I've gone through 3 pages of references, out of a total of 12. Current tally of articles bagged: 57. I can call it quits is 40 minutes. Dunno if they'll kick us out at 5, but damn it, I'm calling it. That would still leave me 3 hours short, and no articles printed. *siiiiigh* (Also, le total suck at nobody being online at this hour and updating snazzy LJs. Bored is me.)

ETA 5:45 pm: Okay, now I'm going home. Can barely see, my eyes are so tired. I've got 72 articles down. There is no squee.

* cup_ramen_chaos in response to this metaquotes

postgrad: internship, people, wildlife

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