Have literally done nothing all day, despite list of things to do. Resolutely do not want to go to Leiden, to the Einstein bar, alone, at the wee hours tonight. Probably ought to. But...but alone, at a bar, trying to be social, and did I mention alone?
*freak out*
ETA: And of course, the first thing I read on my friends' page is
ursulav's Phew! I have been busy!.
ETA2: Maybe the fact that I haven't seen or spoken to a living soul in over 24 hours has some sort of influence on my current state. I know I need a social life. But it's cruelly ironic that I need a social life (people to go to the bar with) to get a social life (meet people at the bar). *huddles into a corner*
Links of the Day:
Sylinder: the Sitcom episodes
Fanmix: Nuclear Daydreammabetini's
Fanmix: Mylarbarhaven's
Fanmix: The Watchmaker, an FST (Fan Soundtrack)
Fanfic: Worst Case Scenario * "a few girls from Belgium",
talking about Einstein