No, no it's just France and Germany, only Britain is Great.*

Jan 16, 2008 23:00

In case you missed it, or just forgot to squee**: Sylar scenes all in one go! Hell yeah! Take it while it's 'cause he's hot!

I've just watched Dr Who's Christmas Special, Voyage of the Damned, and have the audio version of American Gods.


It was so good to see the Doctor again, and scary-serious Doctor was amazing, as always. Except that now I sort of want him to scrutinize Sylar. Because fandoms should always bleed into each other like this. And I'm an obsessed little freak.

An obsessed little freak who has done absolutely nothing today. About which I feel really shitty.

I did go to the Escher Museum yesterday, which was awesome despite my being well-acquainted with most - if not all - of Escher's artwork there. (Maybe not his last piece, Snakes, but it seemed familiar as well.) We have a giant book of his art at home. (Discovering Sandro del Prete's chess-escheresque drawing was a pleasant surprise.)

Highlight: the computer program with a touchscreen showing a never-ending drifting pov through construction bars. (Forgive the image, I can't find Escher's.) You got the feeling of floating through it, and could go up, down, turn around completely, and even summersault, but after staring at up at the never-ending bars and empty space in between, you felt you could just as well be looking down, or sideways, or which ever way. Truly an amazing feeling, and I would've loved to experience that with an all-encompasing screen.

There was also an animation of Reptiles which was adoreable. The little lizard would struggle out of the drawinging, lumber its way up the books, slipping and sliding, and finally give a little puff of smoke, then lumber back down. (There was also a lizard-pov of the trip, which was cool.)

I had to refrain from piping in on a conversation between two women beside me when one adamantly expressed how impossible this was. "But you can make a Mobius Strip!" I not-exclaimed. "And if you cut it straight down the middle, you end up with one bigger circle, rather than two strips of paper. It's great fun."

I was tickled pink when I learnt that the Alhambra was the source of inspiration for his Regular Division of the Plane series, and that he also visited the Mezquita (lit. Mosque) in Cordoba (the only architectural feat to make me literatlly cry at the beauty of it all).

I still adore Three Worlds but will not pay 7.50E for a small print. I was pleased to be able to get a capuccino for 1E (rather than near-two) with proof-of-ticket-purchase at the cafeteria. I am cheap.

Things I need to do:
1) Prepare for internship meeting
2) Find new apartment in Leiden, for the living-in of
3) Find a dermatologist, which includes steps a) emailing Biology contact person, b) getting an appointment with a general doctor and c) getting an appointment with a dermatologist. Why? Because my skin's gone haywire since September and Something Must Be Done.
4) Call relatives
5) Sign up for seminars
6) Arrange for Dutch Language & Culture Credits to be accepted for Masters, which includes a) acquiring certificate "or other" and thus b) emailing prof. Annemarie
7) Get an email from Mariska for tomorow's meet-n-greet. Unfortunately, I can do nothing to complete this aim. *refresh*

Gods, I need a "squee" icon. But right now, I need to get ready for bed and an exciting and fruitful day tomorrow. Or something.

Btw, I have to stop refreshing my email, but I just don't learn that there's no mail. *feels unloved*

ETA 12:57 am: Why hallo there little panic freakout. *freaksout* Fuck. I really should have gotten out of the house today, done something. *panicfretpant*

Links of the Day:
MCEscher Official

* The Doctor, Voyage of the Damned
** Taaaaalk to meeeeee.

art, postgrad, tv: doctor who, tv: heroes, daily life

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