Nederlands is niet moelijk.*

Jan 09, 2008 23:49

I'm still studying - albeit with much more procrasty-pauses - and I'm bored out of my mind.

So, memes.

Via a really incredibly old post by lienne. I've been reading wandering through old posts on various users' LJs, because I need quick, not-terribly distracting and easy-to-stop ("Just one more date, then I'll do exercises 2-7.") entertainment.

Read my VisualDNA™     Get your own VisualDNA™

Also via lienne. I'm not really a one-genre reader, but I had to pick something, and Pterry** is fantasy, so...

Your home is a Wizard's Ranch
Your kitchen is manned by a team of Keebler Drow Elves. There's a pantry stocked with beef jerky. Oh, and deer jerky. Your master bedroom is decorated to look like the treetop village of the Galadhrim. Your study has every fantasy novel ever written, including multiple editions of the Silmarillion and advance copies of Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition.

Your home also includes a roost for griffons. You've never actually seen a griffon, but you keep the roost ready anyway. Your guests enjoy your home theater with hi-def plasma screen TV, and the thrones you watch it from. Outside is the moat that protects your home from goblin invaders and extended family.

Below is a snippet of the blueprints:

Find YOUR Dream House!

ETA: And of course, I misspell "Nederlands" on the first try.
ETA2: If I have to make a list of plurals one more time I will hurt a book. Not just any book, either. *glares at workbook*
ETA3: Die, past tense, die!!! (Also, maybe that headache I've been having is hunger-related? I don't seem to be eating enough. I brought a scale from my folks. These two facts are not related***.)

* "Dutch is not hard." Answer to 6.5i. Also, a lie.
** Terry Pratchett, o'course
*** Two which are related is my gasp**** of horror after weighing myself for the first time in 4 months and my reluctance to being a glutonous fool. I currently weigh n.8 (though over the holidays I'd see n+3, so I dunno what's what), and probably ought to weigh n-4. *sigh*
**** Originally spelt as "gask", which, if not a word already (it isn't), totally should be. There's gasket, though.*****
****** Why yes, I'm still bored.

language: dutch, memes, lj users, weight dilemas

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