A-hoy bookworms. Just thought I´d recommend Restlessness by Aritha van Herk. Go
here for a review.
Also Textual Poachers is, apparently, a must for anyone interested in fanfic. I seem to recall it mentions the dmeb2 and the author praised Siubhan´s The Sith Academy (possibly soley responsible for my love of slash). Haven´t read this yet, but it´s on my list. Go
Then there´s Why Buffy Matters: The Art of Buffy the Vampire Slayer byRhonda Wilcox, Sex And The Slayer: A Gender Studies Primer For The Buffy Fan by Lorna Jowett and Blood Relations: Chosen Families In Buffy The Vampire Slayer And Angel by Jes Battis.
What, there´s a trend, you say?
I also remember that I promised to list some excellent fic recommendations, so here we go:
Mary´s Journey´s Trilogy. Buffy/Spike
Caro´s The Watcher Diaries: THe Aporcypha Spike&Giles (i.e. not slash)
Fit of Pique´s series. Spike/Xander
Kalima´s Daemon Illuminati. Spike redemption.
Erstwhile the Pit of Voles, Home of Mary Sues and of Abbysmal Spelling, where grammar is attacked by sharp sticks and characters are taken so out of character so as to be galaxies away.
*But* it has gems:
"Survivors" by Whistler84 (Angel)
"Little Things" series by Michmak (more manageable in LJ
writwritewroteAnything in the Hitchhicker´s Guide section is fair game, as is the Neil Gaiman / Neverwhere section.
Iaga´s series:
"Knight Moves" and "A Life Less Ordinary" series by Iaga, Obi/Maul. Oh joy.
(I can´t find the site which has the entirety of her series collected, but the above links to some. It´s worth it. Really.)
Jule´s fics That includes: The Faithful, Three for the Money, and And Back Again.
Sadly off-site, but I copy/pasted them, in case anyone´s interested. It´s a Riddick series, starting minutes before Pitch Black ends and going off in a whole different direction than Chronicles of Riddick.
I´m sure there´s more fics out there that I love dearly but can´t remember them at the mo´. Saddened that some are off-line, though.