And that was without a single drop of rum!*

May 29, 2007 10:40

I watched PotC: AWE yesterday. Cue squee. *squee* It was better than DMC - much, much better - and not just because it didn't have that god-awful giant hamster-wheel scene. *shudder* I loved the "Davy Jones' Locker" scene, though I did have a moment of severe willies because it was just too much like Secret Window. However, extremely iconable. Ditto for the many great one-liners.

Despite my love of Jack, Barbossa** was the best. Jack just fumbled about, being even less morally-grey that the other films. The little references to the previous films were nice, being not so heavy-handed as in DMC. I absolutely loved it when I remembered Delma's "Same story, different versions, and all of them are true", when the pirates were discussing whether it was a woman or the sea Davy Jones fell in love with.

I will complain a bit, however, at 1) Chow being reduced to a plot-device, 2) the lame explanation of why Tia Delma brought Barbossa back, 3) lack of in-depth characterization. Though on that last bit, maybe I ask too much.

As always, you must stay until the very end, past the credits, to watch the little Easter Egg. My appreciation of it was a bit ruined by a) Orlando Bloom and his silly bandana and b) thinking how incredibly hard life it must be for those waiting.

Links of the Day
rexluscus' PotC:AWE Review
metaquotesed PotC: AWE Review by wemblee, here in full.
A movie that should be made: Raptors in Rome
Why you should fear the Raptor: “Raptors” Versus T-Rex: An Analysis In Prehistoric Fright by good_odds. Her friend wolfychan replies with Tyrannosaurs rule. Velociraptors... drool
Script Frenzy

* PotC: AWE
** Hector! Hee hee

movies: potc, movies: reviews, movies: imaginary, metaquotes

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