I look a bit different but it's me.*

May 05, 2007 22:33

I spoke with Josie today! Oh dear, it'd been such a long time since we'd spoken or writen or anything... Not that is was awkward or anything. But it always seemed to me that "Jo and I on the phone" didn't quite work so well as "Jo and I face-to-face". Of course, that just might be because I'm incoherent.

No, seriously.

And not just because I haven't spoken in fluent English in ages. ('Cause like, hello? Not-Mother tongue?)

Mom's often told me that I should talk with people more often, or I'll forget how to talk altogether. Do I have to say it? Mother's always right.

Lately - like the past few years - I've been stumbling a bit with words. It's like I can't get them together in my head, like the poor suckers are wading through syrup, and I can't get the whole sentence out on the first try. Or I'll talk fine, except for the ending, which'll get lost, od the beginning, which needs a few extra tries. Sometimes I'll be listening to myself talk and just know that a little imp in my head is shaking its head in bewilderment, mumbling, "It makes no sense, none at all..."

It's not so bad when I'm talking to close family (i.e. a total of 2) - except when I'm uspet with mom and trying to defend myself against some grievience, in which case I just huff in frustration and shut up instead.

Friggedity frig frig.

I would tell you all about the new Fox show featuring the lovely Nathan Fillion, but, well... You can hear it from frodolyn:

"Bad news, Fox has done it again and pulled the plug on Drive. You would thing that Fox would learn from its mistakes, however. Not so much."

Instead, allow me to squee about Heroes by posting squeeful things, like the Heroes 1x19 trailer. acaciaonnastik sums up Heroes nicely with "Yes, there are so many things it could do better. But the characters, and the way the mystery is done, and, well, Hiro, are just too much to resist."

Apparently, if you live in the states - or if your IP address says you do, and I don't know if they can be made to lie - you can watch the Heroes episodes on the internet off NBC. Argh!

acaciaonnastik's written a number of posts/rants about Heroes: Ranty McRant Rant: The Defense of Mohinder Suresh, Acacia is Angry: The Defense of Simone and
Why Simone Deveaux Is Not A Raging Hypocrite And Does Not Need To Die For Making Isaac and Peter's Love Lives Complicated, No Really

She also makes icons: Ted "Nuke 'Em All" Sprague and general icons.

Links of the Day

David Tennant's Dr Who Video Diary. (PS: He's cute and Scottish. Need a woman ask for more? Well, sure, throw in good hair while you're at it...)

frodolyn posts a fanmix for Wash/Zoe called "Grief to Grace". It has absolutely gorgeous music, and the downloads are still valid. Go download now!
In related news, I mentioned acaciaonnastik Eden fanmix (outdated) for Hero's. She also brought my attention to the fact that Hiro's father is played by George Takei. Remember this? (Also, here's an interview, 'cause.

Wiki: Stuttering vs Cluttering

Animated Bayeux Tapestry on YouTube.

* the Tenth Doctor, Dr Who 1x01

friends, actors, fandom: essays, fandom: fanmixes, actors: nathan fillion, interviews, tv: doctor who, tv: heroes, tv, language: english, tv: trailers, tv: firefly/serenity, icons

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