MBA personal statement » EssayEdge

Oct 06, 2011 14:18

Duration 2011-09-26 to n/a
Category Education
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Founded in 1997, EssayEdge is the one source for admissions essay editing and a one-stop shop for applicants seeking to make their essays the best they can be. As the world's leading application essay editing company, EssayEdge is committed to providing the best and most ethical service to all applicants to college, graduate school, MBA programs, law school, and medical school. EssayEdge has a large network of professional college essay editors, many of who are graduates of the nation's most competitive colleges including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, and Stanford.

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Peterson's is a part of Nelnet, one of the leading education services and finance companies in the United States focused on providing quality products and services to students, families, and schools nationwide. Information about Nelnet can be found at

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