Feb 10, 2004 15:29
Ok, I'm gonna buy a website addy because I am tired of cjb.net.
We want your help on picking a new site name because the ones that we wanted are already taken!
those are the ones we are looking at. I personally would like bendermusic.org or benderonline.net. But we would just like to get the feel of what people think.
Also, the CD's are back in from pressing. The sleeves/cover are being printed out soon and we have to package them ourselves and then they will be out for sale. It's been long enough...since August for us. CD release show might be the 27th @ Eric's house...but not sure yet. And if it is, it would be awesome if EVERYONE could make it out and support us, LTR, and Coulier.
We will record the new shit very soon.
Shows have been moved around and what not. So check the shows pages on the website for any updates.
So leave us a reply w/ what website addy we should pick.
lil c