Oh woa as me..I am so bored!! I have nothing planned for work tonight but watch DVDs and wait for people to call with their problems...which probably wont happen since the phone hasn't rang since I got here almost 2 hours ago!! But anyways Sean showed me the SOCOM II Junk Yard Dawgz website outline and it looks awesome!!
www.junkyarddawgz.com He still has to fill in the blanks but so far so good!! Anyways, still getting ready for our big yard sale on Saturday. Looks like I wont get any sleep til late. But thats ok since I dont have to work that night!
But I am looking forward to seeing this place in Blackwood tomorrow night!! Its funny, I looked at it before I moved in here four years ago. I remember really liking it but I cant remember what the hell the place looks like!! But I do know I want to get out of where we are. There are too many problems with the place and the slum lord bitch wont fix shit!! So I wont pay her either!!
OK..back to the feature presentation of the night...GHOST SHIP.
Later Kids!!