In more cheery news away from health and work worries:
I've just ordered these
gauntlets for cut and thrust combat.
Nusbacher has a pair, and very handsome they are too.
Finding gauntlets that fit and genuinely protect my hands for C&T has held up my participation somewhat.
Robert very carefully reworked an existing pair of clamshells I had from when I fought in armour, that never fit correctly, so that I could hold a single crosshilt sword or dagger.
When I'd used them for bastard sword I'd gotten a blow on the thumb that cracked it, putting me off for a year. They really didn't fit.
But the mods were a bodge at best: once in my hand I couldn't change weapons or even change my hold on the hilt. They shifted and slid about, and I was always at risk of a blow getting through.
So when I saw these, I thought, millenium hand and shrimp, those are what I want.
I hope and have asked that they be delivered in time for Double Wars: inshallah.
While I am reluctant to book myself solid for Double Wars, I do want to run the scribes social hour again: a round table where you can share 'tips and tricks' or just ask a question.
Nordmark is overrun with scribal talent; if I can squeeze it into a room for an hour, it will yield great pearls of wisdom in a friendly setting.