Back from holidays

Nov 26, 2014 13:55

Robert and I are back from a short break to Spain: he started in Santiago, then met me in the south where we spent 3 days in Grenada, 1 night in Jaen and 3 more days in Córdoba.

While he was in Santiago, I'd detoured via Polderslot for their autumn event, to catch up with my favourite non-Thamesreach shire.

Lots to write, not lots of time. Short version:

I'm going back to Spain. Lots to see, not enough time. We'd thought we might reach Seville but it needs its own trip.

In Grenada we stayed within the Alhambra, not at the Parador there (most expensive hotel in Spain) but the small not-very-well-known Hotel America.

The drawback of choosing a hotel on the top of a steep hill chosen for its amazing views and defensive capabilities is the walk down and up, to see anything that is *not* on the hill.

The Parador hotel in Jaen, similarly, is positioned on one of the hills' peaks, next to a (rebuilt) castle overlooking the valleys of olive trees, ringed with other hills.

You can totally see how tiny kingdoms and chiefdoms could sit up there, thinking, 'this is my world, and I'm damned if anyone will make me yield it'.

It was like a James Bond Evil Hideaway set. Awesome.

The Córdoba Mezquita (prev a mosque, now a cathedral) was one disappointment; all the photos and impressions I'd seen had hidden just how much of the mosque has been converted into a Christian shrine. There are very few spaces that still really reflect the original Islamic construction, which itself was expanded and improved over several hundred years, til 1492.

It made me realise all those past views and pics were very carefully selected!

Late period Gothic architecture just cannot compete with the classic Islamic designs.

The major cities' taxi fleets are now all Toyota Prius cars. This could make, I suspect, an amazing difference to the noise and air pollution in dense, medieval cities with narrow streets.

Imagine if all London black cabs had battery/gas assist fuel systems...

We arrived in Córdoba during the 3rd annual citywide tapas competition. We got the map and list of participating restaurants a bit late, on our last evening. Next time I'll know to ask for one from the outset.

We came back on Sunday, into driving rain and grey skies. Huddled on the airport shuttle bus headed to the train station, we stared at each other, thinking, 'why the hell do we live here again?'.

At home, Haggis was very glad to see us, but we suspect there's a bit more Haggis to love now; we have to institute some kitteh exercise time. When we moved she lost the benefit of 2 storeys of stairs to race up and down, and doesn't go out as often. Also wonder if some unauthorised treats were on offer from the catsitters!

Laundry still needs doing, dust elephant herds are roaming the floor, kitchen still a mess. I thought I'd cleared the fridge well, but hadn't counted on some preserved food not preserving very well. Sigh.

holiday, travel

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