Wet Raglan, part 5 - in which there is still more fencing...

Aug 29, 2012 17:32

Saturday proved a catchup day - to catch up on the activities that the rain on Thurs and Fri had cancelled.

Started the day with a meeting of the Academy of defense (my first!); this meeting managed to agree on some changes to the governing docs of the academy to make it easier to run, and also to agree on when to run the *10* challenges into the academy that were planned for this event: 3 free scholars, 4 provosts and 3 prefects.

It ended up with the free scholars and half the provosts challenging on Saturday, and the other half, and the prefects, running on Sunday, which meant 'all the fencing you could eat' for most of the participants, over two days.

The first half was attended by their majesties on the bowling green, and provided an excellent venue for Viscount Eirik to be inducted into the order of the Dragon's steel. This was a delight to witness, and even better to take part in as herald. 
HE Eirik was completely oblivious to Master Etienne's excuse for a one-strike duel, as an excuse to position him on the field, before calling his friends - Sir Peregrine, Sir Gilliam, Mistress Melisende, Countess Anna - to testify to his qualities, and advance him to the order.

The challenges then progressed, with me sponsoring someone for the first time (Lord Cedric of the floppy hat) into the Academy. Sadly 'The Floppies' (Cedric and his family) are leaving Drachenwald soon, so this was one of his last events in the kingdom.

fencing, raglan

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