I'm Back Biotch!

May 13, 2004 00:01

It's a celebration bitches! Yes after months of work and school I finally have the time to grace the lj with my presence..lol. While on to the catching-up part... I just saw Kill Bill Vol. 2 tonight. If you haven't seen it, you must. It is as if you are looking into the face of god; and he is smiling back at you and saying " You are my most glorious creation.". While, not quite that good, but the movie friggin rocked! Not as much killing as I would have liked, but you can't beat the storyline. Quentin is the man! On another subject, I finish school tomorrow and I'm pumped. This gives me a shitload of time to workout or work more and get ass-loads of money. Either one is cool by me or even both. I was gonna try to stop drinking for a month or so to try and loose weight, but I think that's gonna be impossible. Atleast for a month or two because I have tons of birthdays and partys lined up. Oh wel, I'll just get ripped and not worry about eating (or drinking). I'm almost off my grounding (a pitiful one at that) so my curfew should go from 12 back to 2:30 and hopefully he trusts me enough to let me stay over my buddies' houses instead of making me come home by a certain time. Another thing to do on my list is to give some people a call that I haven't talked to in a while (i.e. Brando, Nic, and Evelyn). Oh yeah I might as well stop talking now because I still have to study for 2 exams. So until the next time..*lick*..I'm Rick James Bitch! Enjoy yourself!
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