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Hey kids!
As some of you may know, my brain doesn’t always get words right. It’s always been a problem with my gray matter, but the older I get, the more my brain misfires and makes me sound like I’m having a stroke.
I don’t always keep track of them, but I’m starting to, and I’m going to start drawing as many of them as I can. The first one was a misfire while talking to Nadja about a recipe I was going to make with a number of onions, which aren’t Nadja’s stomach’s favorite if they’re not very cooked. I was asking about a change I could make.
Please enjoy my first I Don’t Words Talk Right:
Doing a completed drawing every few days isn’t exactly
#Inktober, but #Drawtober works just fine with me.
Tomorrow you might have the horrifyingly blood-soaked very strange next bit of
The Wizard’s Lesson as well as a bit about the best new horror movie I’ve seen in ages.
Who’d crystallize YOUR onions any day….