New Art? Another library card…

May 13, 2014 18:35

Originally published at benchilada. You can comment here or there.

Now that I’ve made what maybe was possibly a stab at what is and isn’t historically relevant, as well as what should be considered destructive and what constructive…

Well, here’s another card, slight variation.

Now I’m really starting to explore things in my head, namely what is important history vs life’s detritus, as well as what defacing either means.

Is it enough that I documented this before I wrote on it or does it belong with so many woefully-outdated things at libraries?

Perhaps it’s just time for some creative recycling?

Anyroad, is gonna be migrating servers in the next week, so the site will be down for a few days at some point soon.

In the mean time, I have two pieces I’m drawing, as well as a written thing that may someday be done.

PS - Heh. Nibiru stuff always cracks me up.

library, uiuc, art

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