So, there's this amazing guy, Patrick Spacek. Many years ago my friends and I would randomly quote lines from his online comic, The Parking Lot is Full . To put it nicely, some of these lines elicited stares and looks of abject derision. Because PLIF was brilliantly twisted.
Although the comic itself has ended, the website is still there, and I strongly encourage you to head to the ARCHIVES section. And read all of them. In addition, Doktor Spacek has been putting his newer writings across a YahooGroup called Neolithic Casserole. Again, brilliant stuff.
It's over here: Getting to my point, Lord Spacek has taken a week or so off from writing NeoCass and decided to ask for submissions. I believe he's got over a thousand people on his mailing list, so I was ridiculously honored when he picked several of mine for his list.
Please find enclosed his selections from my selections.
And check out PLIF and join his list, or I have trained monkeys for you. I will not tell you what they are trained to do.
benjamin sTone
Urbana, IL
PS -- Reading this on LiveJournal? Admiral Spacek's e-mail will not be included. Go look at my YahooGroup to see it.
Composite Molecules Or ask very politely and I'll e-mail it to you.