Had a good time last night, just me and my friends, but here come the daylight, and now it's the end

Mar 15, 2010 10:45

That's right, I used to LARP.

And I won't apologize for it. It may have been years since I even played a tabletop game, whether Call of Cthulhu or D&D or what have you, and I may miss both LARP and paper but fond memories of those days still linger..

I played Elysium on the Prairie for...oh god, ten years, off-and-on...before it swapped to the new rules, which seemed like a good time to duck out.

Hell, I was even a narrator for years and a storyteller for a year or two.

In the words of Edith Piaf...

As a quick aside, if any of the old EotP players, or those from Chicago or Tuscola or wherever, have photos of the characters of EotP from before the rules change, I would love to see them. If they're digital, e-mail them to me at moxy@tmbg.org. Please notate player and character names if you know them. If you only have physical copies, I'd love to borrow them to scan them in. I'll give you copies of the resulting digital files.

Since I posted me as Arthur Drake, Jr.--caring but batshittedly violent Caitiff Sheriff of the domain--I'll throw in another one of him with Amy as Alicia Stevenson. Next is me as Raimond Dulac--cold and emotionless Cathar who, as a Ventrue Prince and later Archon, legitimately gave a shit about the people domain. Finally, misogynistic bigoted racist Toreador coward Stanley Morrison, in a shot that I absolutely love. We didn't know it was being taken and were in the middle of acting-out a combat scene. Stanley was, of course, ducking like a bastard. I don't seem to have anything but a Very Tiny Picture of Tremere Bobby Kakihara, a man with unshakable Shinto believes and a Tremere you could actually trust. No, seriously. SHUT UP, STOP LAUGHING.

Want to know more? Ask.

Sherrif Arthur Drake Jr. with Amy:

Prince (later Archon) Raimond Dulac with Matt and Tim and Becky:

Stanley Morrison with Cory, Karl, and Mike:

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm an omnigeek and I love it. No, not quite. I *fucking* love it.

Got any secrets / pics to share about your sordid gaming days? As always, leave 'em in the comments.

As pilliwiggan once said,

"Benchilada does not live action role-play,
Live action role-plays Benchilada."

Your humble narrator,


vampire, larp, day, arthur drake jr, games, larpers, sun, storytelling, stanley morrison, gaming, gamers, friends, raymond dulac

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