LWS's nose is warm. Also: tiny geekery

Jan 27, 2009 12:42

You may remember Lovely Wife Sara commenting on how she needs a nose cozy for when she's cold.

jennnlee supplied the awesome in a package that arrived a few days ago:

And now...


Neon Genesis Evangelion -- It's taken me years to get past my resistance to this show, since it seems to be a love-or-hate sort of show, according to my friends. I've found myself really liking it, but not yet loving it. Maybe when we get to the part where the creator has a nervous breakdown and changes the entire direction of the show.

Spider Man: Brand New Day -- Quit bitching, comic book fans. It's happened, let it ride. I didn't read the actual lead up, but...you know, just enjoy the stories, which are more fun than they've been since the beginning of Stracinskiwysisyasi's run. Except Anti-Venom. He's dumb. And you know that the status quo will eventually be restored.

Final Crisis -- Quit looking at it in the traditional crossover sense. Realize that evil has won. Go back and read it from issue one, spinoffs included. It's really rather damn good. This is DC comics on a grand scale. It's not heroes vs villains, or heroes vs cosmic threat, this is heroes vs gods. That tends to not end well.

Walter Simonson -- Man, I'm going back and reading the entirety of his run on Thor from the beginning, as I missed a lot of it growing up. I have the Beta Ray Bill stuff collected, but...wow. The whole thing was amazing, from his writing and pencils all the way down to the coloring.

Brian Michael Bendis -- I'm...bored...by his stuff. I think perhaps he's stretching himself too thin. He's producing material in such preposterously large quantities that it's diluting his talent, particularly in comparison to his work from five-plus years ago.

24 -- Good season start, let's see if it degenerates into formula. It's really weird to find yourself rooting for a total bastard who tortures mercilessly to get the answers he wants.

Lost -- The major hook for this season is a risky thing to build a plot around. It's working so far...

Konono N°1 -- Yes, god yes.

Oh, and yowzer  captured a lovely moment at Home of Gourmet Chinese Restaurant yesterday and made this fumetti of it before I sat down:

Yep, that's pretty much how the conversation went. The dude always hooks me the hell up.



geek, lovely wife sara, lunch

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