(no subject)

May 22, 2007 16:47

his_hamstress BRINGS THE HEAT in my...9th? installment of FIVE QUESTIONS:
Remember, if you have FIVE QUESTIONS for me...bring it.

1. If the intarwebs were suddenly no more and being online was lost forever, how would you deal?

I'd have to buy a typewriter to replace the one that I sold a few years ago.
Preferably one of those electricalistic ones that rumbles when you turn it on.
Also, I'd just have to try a little more harder to be Internet Famous, on account of what it wouldn't be there anymore.
Also, I'd read more books.

Oh, also lots of booze and crying.

2. If you could live any place in the world after Urbana, where would you choose and why (note that this is not limited to cities and places on land)

London. It would be a place I could wander forever in.

Hong Kong, sight unseen, but I'd want to get a little bit of Cantonese in my languagebrainmeats first. It's this weirdass mystical land of awesome in my head. Back alleys, and shitty apartments, and beautiful madness. My brain already thinks I live there whenever I watch a HK film.

Friends tell me that if I ever visit New York City that I'll never come back...

3. What is the most obscure sentence that you can think of, off the top of your head?

"The flute is peanut."

4. How would you be able to handle it if you were immersed in an entire state of depervation for one week with nothing but sleep and your biggest fear?

Most likely go a bit madder than now. Perhaps I'd be okay, due to predisposition to madness.
Mind, one of my fears--probably not the biggest--is losing my memory too soon, so maybe I'd take a lot of naps, so I'd forget that I was scared of forgetting.

5. Do you know the muffin man?

"I am the muffin man.
 Here I am and you know I can
 Love me if you let me."

fear, hong kong, five questions, the flute is peanut, his_hamstress, rumbling typewriters, no interwebs, sleep, london, new york city

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