(no subject)

Jan 19, 2007 11:27

    Serge finally broke down and shelled out money to buy a Woogun. Curious thing, the Woogun. It's a normal, functioning .45 caliber handgun that's partially powered by perception and emotional intent.
    You see, the Woogun can fire a "statistically ridiculous" (that's straight from the manual) number of bullets without requiring a reload. Sure, if you're just at target practice, it'll fire its standard thirteen rounds, but if you're in a situation where you really need that damn gun...have at it.
    Reports vary, but some claim that their Woogun has fired over 150 rounds without reloading. That's highly improbable, since if you stop using it for more than about twenty seconds, it'll need a new magazine. If you're in a lengthy firefight, though, it'll keep working for you.
    The Woogun's primary draw--and drawback--is that it has an unexplainable sense of Dramatic Impact. If you've kicked in the door of a crackhouse and have been shooting up the place, killing thugs--you know, the usual--you're set. But the moment you reach the last guy, the one holed-up in the back room with a shotgun?


The Woogun knows its place, and its place is not to make that last, really important shot. The manufacturers insist that the weapon is mildly psionic, as nobody is able to switch guns for that last shot, even if they know their hammer is going to come down on nothing. You'll have to wait until that happens before you can switch weapons or tactics.
    It's for reasons like this that the Woogun is rarely used by the military and certainly not by people who know they're heading into a situation where they've got a specific final target in mind. It's great for covering fire, and you increase your chances of keeping that clip full if you're firing blind over cover or around a wall.
    So why buy one, especially at the prices they go for? Cause you really never can tell when you're going to want a hundred continuous rounds, or even when you're going to need to stop before you manage to take that final shot, can you?

Well, at the very least, Serge can't.

like a bullet through horseradish, mildly psionic, flash fiction, woogun, fiction, serge, moon turk, mike

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