Taking a page from man_size; here's what's on my plate, after I watch a movie with my wife and before I edit more of Rahxephon: The Novel: 4 for DrMaster:
I did some research while writing this, and aren't the two practically identical, just that "fissible" is more specific, referring to like three types of radioactive materials that require "fast" neutrons, as opposed to those that can use either "fast" or "slow?"
"fissible" is not something that's commonly used, at least to the best of my recollection. "fissionable" is something that has a net energy release on a fission event; "fissile" is something that really, really likes to fission - that is, something that's useful for weapons.
I figured it was the latter sort of thing you were going for.
/nuclear engineering pedant
//i like slashies
///you're still my hero
////and my Nemesis
///// oh god I can't stop
////// seriously somebody help me.
I figured it was the latter sort of thing you were going for.
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