A) New job at library started today, in which I will be doing everything I did with my old job. Bonus.
B) Sick as hell. Want booze, cannot have booze, am at work with no booze. Will have coffee slushie instead.
C) Just got MORE manga piled on me by
DrMaster, which means money and 170 pages to edit by Thursday and about 110 pages left to edit in the novel they sent me. That one's due by Monday.
D) If you aren't reading
atomic_robo--and I know you're not--then you should be. Bastards.
E) Stories are on hold until my nose stops producing toxic waste.
F) Looks like Shonen Jump will be printing two of my articles, AND I'll be working on a Topp Sekrit Projeket for them. I am The Bee's Balls(tm).
G) Where am I?