I am getting ideas as to what your brain might look like on paper. It may be a few days (or never, depending on my personal laziness level), but thank you. Every little bit modifies it.
At what point did you notice the numbers thing? As in, were you five when you realized all your blocks had to be stacked in threes? Or was it fairly recently--say, you woke up one morning, blinked three times, and went, the threes are following me?
Personally, something about the "step on a crack, break your mother's back" must have stayed with me. I hate walking on painted lines in a parking lot. Or stepping on the pink tiles in the hallway between the mall entrance and my job. (They're decorative and it's easy to miss them, but when there's other people walking near you, you have to watch out.) And I cannot step on the wooden entrance to the perfume store next door to us. It juts out into the hall. I usually take a big step over it if I'm close to it.
I don't know that anyone else would say this, but thank you. It's amazing what you learn when other people share their stories/quirks/obsessions/compulsions. It helps create empathy. I need that, particularly in my line of work (bookseller, AKA one who deals with the general public).
At what point did you notice the numbers thing? As in, were you five when you realized all your blocks had to be stacked in threes? Or was it fairly recently--say, you woke up one morning, blinked three times, and went, the threes are following me?
Personally, something about the "step on a crack, break your mother's back" must have stayed with me. I hate walking on painted lines in a parking lot. Or stepping on the pink tiles in the hallway between the mall entrance and my job. (They're decorative and it's easy to miss them, but when there's other people walking near you, you have to watch out.) And I cannot step on the wooden entrance to the perfume store next door to us. It juts out into the hall. I usually take a big step over it if I'm close to it.
I don't know that anyone else would say this, but thank you. It's amazing what you learn when other people share their stories/quirks/obsessions/compulsions. It helps create empathy. I need that, particularly in my line of work (bookseller, AKA one who deals with the general public).
And I'm glad I can be of service. Expect more soon...and tell your friends.
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