In order to
make sure that I win, I’ll be adapting my journal/listserv slightly. Yes, I’m
still going to have my writing exercises and things I’ve simply shat onto the
computer because they were in my head.
However, I
really want to work on throwing finished, polished stuff at you. As such, I
will be doing so. This is because I’m going to be submitting more writing, I am
going to be published, and I am going to win.
I’m also
going to be expanding upon my brain. Allow me to explain that a bit.
A lot of
people tell me I act crazy. With every passing year it becomes summarily more
and more difficult to convince people that, for all intents and purposes, I am
not “acting.” No, I’m not going to be hurling handfuls of my own shit at
people, nor do I think that crazybugs live in my head, but MY BRAIN IS
NOT LIKE YOURS. I have decided that journaling my brain will be an
interesting process, and should give some insight into why I act the way I do,
but also help me understand it all a bit more.
For those of you who have not been
with me the whole time, here’s a “laundry list” of my brain: Tourette’s
Syndrome, OCD, alternately-diagnosed Depression or Manic-Depression, ADHD. In
addition to this, I seem to have symptoms of general crazy, which come and go
with every passing day. You know, symptoms that made me stop reading about
schizophrenia a long time ago…
For a somewhat vague intro course,
read this:
What it's like in my brain.
HINT: Not "72 and Sunny...every day! Things to expect discussion about:
why crossing the street with my back to a car turning the corner means I’m
going to get shot in the back, every time; I must know how many pages this book
has; what if I just think I think I’m hearing voices?; what
my protective “Thinking Cap”
(c.f. Golden Age Flash) looks like; school
pictures that look like I have the plague; why Sara sometimes calls me Flick;
yes, I need all three carry-ons, asshole; I heart Hypothetical Situations; and
why Three is The Best Number Ever.
It’s hard for me to explain all of
this without details. As such, I’ll be providing them. I will also be taking
requests, i.e.: what the fuck is up with Tourette’s, anyway?; if you know the
door is locked, why do you keep checking it?; can you tell me why you wrote a
story about zombie sex?; Hypothetical Situations?; et cetera.
Want to know? Ask. I have no sense of shame or embarrassment.
In short: more substance, kids.
More writing. Better writing. And “What the fuck is wrong with him?” Tell your friends about me, if you
think they’ll enjoy me.
Tell them, “Crazy writer writes about being crazy. And writes stories,
too.” A fan base can start anywhere, and a shamless plug is a shameless
Now I’m off to eat Mexican food,
drink boozahol, and then finish salvaging what I can from my desktop computer
onto my New Laptop Which Still Doesn’t Have a Name.
Smooches, kids.
Oh, and remind me sometime to tell
you about “In My Mind’s World, I Love All of You.”
benjamin lee sTone