Aug 25, 2006 15:10
Am I Really That Old?
Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, "Surely I can't look that old!" Well, you're gonna love this one...
I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist when I noticed his diploma hanging on the wall. It bore his full name and I suddenly remembered a tall, handsome dark-haired boy with the same name. He had been in my high school class some 40-odd years before and I wondered, "Could he be the same guy I had a secret crush on way back then?"
When I got into the treatment room I quickly discarded any such thought. This balding gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was much too old to have been my secret crush... or was he?
After he examined my teeth I asked if he had attended Morgan Park High School.
"Yes, I did. I'm a Mustang!" He said, gleaming with pride.
"When did you graduate?" I asked.
"1959. Why do you ask?" he answered.
"Well, you were in my class!" I exclaimed.
To which the ugly, old, wrinkled jerk asked, "So, what did you teach?"
A man is sitting down on a public toilet when suddenly, the guy in the stall next to him says:
Man 1: "Hi, how are you?"
Man 2: "Um...fine", answers the man.
Man 1: "What are you up to?", asks the other guy.
Man 2: "I'm traveling", the man says hesitantly.
Man 1: "Are you coming over soon?"
Man 2: "Excuse me?"
Man 1: "Mind if I stop over?"
Man 2: "What? ARE YOU CRAZY? Don't even think of coming over here!"
Man 1: "Hey, I'll call you back," says the other guy. "The idiot in the next stall keeps talking to me."