Apr 09, 2004 22:48
ok, i'm really sad now, evrything was going fine with luke until wednesday nite when he todl me one of his firends said that they think he's too young to have a serious relationship and he should have fun, so then he tohught about that and i got upset coz i know i want a seriuos relationship, thursday i went to his house, and we ended up going to brookside, and wihel we were there he said to me that he wants to die, i got psised off, complained to chilyn, bought him a marilyn manson badge and made up with him, that night i asked him for specifics of wanting to die, and he wants to kill ihmself, he's been depressed for 5 years ever since he moved here form townsville, now we're tkaing a break for i don't know how lnog because we've been upset with eahc other all day and he sorta lieks this othewr guy and the break is to figure out how he feels about both of us, and i'm so unconfident that i really really tihkn he's gonna liek this leighton guy better than me and dump me and go out with leighton, and i'm really scared coz i really truly have enver liked ne1 mroe than i liek luke, and i don't want to lose him