Mar 20, 2005 11:35
ok last night erica clover and me went to the movies and it was horrible, i hate the ring 2 so much it was scary. last night i couldent sleep so i was watching tv untill the sun came up ,and this is about at 6. well i think i slept a little becuse i had this dream that i was at some party ware every one was like passed out on the floor and what not. and the only people that are like still around are me some guy and jason this other guy from one of my classes and jason had all these drarws that were labeld , i cant rember what they said they for for but next to ware it said what they were for it had a doller amount and it was alot. thne i was just sitting there and they guy who i didin know gave me an envalope and im like huh ? and i open it and it has $4.67 in it he said it was for me Hendrix Aprral Fund. yup theres my dream hope you enjoyed it. oh yeah and the HAF is now officaly collecting