Templesmith in America 9: Monday Recovery.

Jul 30, 2007 09:57

So the nerdgasm that is Comic-con is over for another year.

Thank Satan's hairy nutsack.

Today the brain is mush and the body aches. I am surprised to learn Warren Ellis is still alive. I told him so on Sunday too. Hope he's having fun in Arizona now.

What follows is a roughly chronological ejaculation of how it all went down, at least for the wednesday and thursday, before the real fun stuff began which I'll touch upon later. And yes, I did attempt to use the word "ejaculate" in a sense other than the one intended.

Before I say anything else though, I want to give a huge shout out to everyone that came out to meet me, either for a chat or to get books signed. I don't get many chances to meet the peeps who buy the books I do, so it means a lot you guys took the time to make it over to San Diego.

Drinking before signings is recommended at Comic-con. As early as you can fit it in basically.

Drinking with me, was none other than Brett Weldele, an amazing artist who is available for work! Nudge nudge, wink wink. We swapped war stories while in the field.

Back in the con, I was beginning my annual dash between booths...I think it was about 7 this year I had people to meet at and sign at that I've done work for. Quite insane. Frank Beddor and Liz Cavalier for Hatter M, ( with a beautiful new hardcover volume out collecting our Hatter M miniseries ) was one of the first I stopped at and did some signings.

After all that, I did manage to fit in some of the more important activities however. Though amazingly, I think this was one of my more sober years and I had even more fun.

Alrighty, off for some recovery breakfast, then later some of the bigger news of my Comic-con survival experience.

nerdgasm, templesmith, warren ellis, goth stuff, comic-con, alcohol is the joy of life, brett weldele

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