Website revamp for 07

Jan 09, 2007 01:15

Excuse the late entry, been dealing with a death in the family and as ever, some pressing deadlines.

May have noticed that my website has a new facelift/revamp for 2007 from a couple days ago. It's still got a couple things left to go, but I've finally started updating the gallery there again. And it intergrates my blog postings, oh what fun.

Here's one of the new things I just put up.

Conluvio -onis f. [collection of impurities , filth]; of people, [scum, rabble].

Basically, it's a comic and an artbook, in that it's got a story, and a comic in it, that lead in to a theme/excuse for a bunch of images, in the artbook format, same as Tommyrot. Lots of character idea generation. I'll post some pages up soon. If you like Wormwood, then it's got the same tone. None of that fine artiste wankery just yet! Since it deals with the Inter-dimensional Part-time Assassins Guild, anything is possible, though Wormwood and pals aren't actually going to be in it. They have their own plans...

templesmith, conluvio, assassins, artbook, wormwood, wankery, comics

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