Today on twitter...

Apr 14, 2008 13:33

  • 00:47 @ joshfialkov yeah, but Phil Davis never disappoints. Ever since North Square ( written by Steve Moffat ) I've loved that guy. Onwards to Ood #
  • 00:48 Damn but THERE WILL BE BLOOD was good. Onwards special features 2nd DVD! #
  • 00:51 Also: There are drunk ppl outside my window who do not seem to know what planet they are on. Right now, it's a pity they're on same one I am #
  • 00:55 @ philnelson quite possibly, though my article doesn't say. Bet the rest of the media ignores it though. It'd spoil the Admin's narrative. #
  • 01:35 @ solkana I hope that is the relative end of the matter and some of the hysterics die down. I know the world is already insane but... #
  • 01:38 Zimbabwe does it's best to act like Florida: I miss those chads. #
  • 01:47 @ munter huzzah, huzzah. I need to get me to SF for some suits. #
  • 01:55 @ munter ideally I want one that says I am completely insane, yet still keep my self respect and dignity ( yeah like I have either...) #
  • 01:56 And now to watch Cloverfield on DVD. Already annoyed had to sit thru 5 mins of trailers before menu screen. #
  • 03:40 Oh yeah, Australia has a new ambassador for our head of state ( Old bird queen Betsy ). A woman for the first time. Quentin Bryce. Sleep now #
  • 13:31 air-conditioning. Eeeeexcellent. #
  • 15:54 Barry Hall, I hate your guts but you do throw a good punch. I miss me AFL. Best game there is: #
  • 16:39 @ wooller naw, only avail on sat here. & thanks to Telstra being fuckwits there is no online option outside Aus. Cocksuckers. Also: goodluck! #
  • 16:41 @ erica_farglow the only sport I will ever watch ( besides some world cup when it's on ) is AFL & only games my team the Westcoast Eagles in. #
  • 16:44 @ erica_farglow aircon turned off now. Viva aircon. Still, LA heat is better than Perth heat. Which is Bangkok with a fever. #
  • 16:46 Watching Kill Bill Vol1 while working madly. #
  • 16:49 I still remember David Carradine walking around a con in LA where we all stared at how old and lost the bloke looked. Nursing home escapee. #
  • 16:50 @ erica_farglow aircon is my one real vice. Yet because it is a vice to me I am a hippy greenie. I barely drive, consume little etc. Sue me! #
  • 16:52 @ mrtonylee let's just say...*cough* Iran Contra affair *cough* #
  • 16:54 @ erica_farglow if you're Terry Savalas, I get to be Yul Brynner. #
  • 16:57 @ gdwessel short of getting their sat channels ( which I'm not going to just for that ) there's no other way to watch AFL in the US sadly sir #
  • 17:07 @ erica_farglow then I'll just be Jason Robards and leave it at that! #
  • 17:11 @ r_sail no idea, but I already have both. #
  • 17:15 @ wolven don't know his real age but he was looking pretty haggard and deathly that day. That's all I'm sayin'. #
  • 17:16 @ gdwessel thanks nonetheless sir@ #
  • 17:17 @ r_sail likewise...though someone bought mine for me, removing my choice in the matter. #
  • 17:24 Why can't I have a 12 part HBO miniseries all about Oren Ishi's battle to the top of the Tokyo underworld? #
  • 17:31 I remember there was a pitch out for Kill Bill comics, ( not from I but someone much more suited ) It didn't go anywhere alas... #
  • 18:07 Oh society, why must you be so bigoted towards fathers and daughter who simply wish to have sex with each other??: #
  • 18:26 @ remender I assumed that was just the vitamin V kickin' in. #
  • 18:34 @ joshfialkov figured I was gonig there anyway, so may as well make the trip there as short as possible. First class if possible. #
  • 21:04 Damn, so who's repping and gets to ask the candidates a question for the atheists at the "Compassion Forum"? Only fair... #
  • 21:09 @ tdchristman- perhaps, but it'd be nice to have a "fair & balanced" forum. Heh. Atheism is the last acceptable bigotry I reckon. #
  • 21:11 @ gdwessel yup, sure do. I may come from convict stock, but damn, you guys have it rough with the Puritan logic still on way too many issues. #
  • 21:14 Hillary is all in Yellow. I wish women in politics did what the men do. Wear drab suits. You don't see the men in bright yellow suits... #
  • 21:15 Just reckon it can spoil the message and provide ammo against whoever it is. It's not fashion. It's politics. #
  • 21:17 Well, the only q I want answered by the candidates is " Do you think you are a tool of god to bring about the end times via nuclear war?" #
  • 21:17 I should probably turn CNN over... #
  • 21:28 @ candypop yes please. Will this be before or after I've had about 12 Red Horse's in me? I like me some Red Horse... #
  • 21:29 @ tdchristman I merely ask of course, since the last guy took orders direct from the Big Fellah, and got us all in a lot of trouble... ;) #
  • 21:31 @ erica_farglow please tell her to confer with Lorelei's mum, who also gets messages from you know they'd get on well. #
  • 21:34 @ erica_farglow it's funny that most ppl who "hear voices" are considered insane...unless it's a god of course. But then, never met your mum. #
  • 21:35 @ tdchristman Bill Hicks is responsible for much in my life. #
  • 21:39 I wish I was on the political shows. "So Hilary, how do you like the taste of seared human baby flesh? And what type of sauce is best?" #
  • 21:39 @ erica_farglow ok, that is scary... #
  • 21:40 "Mr Obama, do you prefer to remove the still beating heart with your hands, traditionally, or via a power saw? You say you're for change..." #
  • 21:41 @ erica_farglow "Messiah College"=next big reality ( well, supernatural ) tv show. Who cares about competitive Karaoke to that! #
  • 21:44 "Senator McCain, what was it like to be the inventor of fire, the wheel and break away from the hunter-gatherer system before anyone else?" #
  • 21:45 @ erica_farglow immaculate conception is harrrd. & also nowhere near as fun as using the meat-ware. #
  • 21:46 I am abusing twitter. I should be on a twitter offender registry or something. #
  • 21:51 @ munter twitter caught me having dinner, watching baptists asking politicians supernatural questions. Couldn't help it. Sorry. #
  • 21:54 @ erica_farglow currently watching 30 Days of Night ad for Cox on Demand. #
  • 21:56 I should stick to Dr Phil and Oprah. I really should. #
  • 21:57 @ philnelson but twitter was asking for it. You saw the way it was looking at me... #
  • 21:59 So I rant about religion, politicians, eating babies & stuff & I gain 5 new followers. Hah. #
  • 22:03 @ erica_farglow who *doesn't* need a rectum stretcher I ask you? Think of all the benefits of uh...having an, uh...well ok, maybe not. #
  • 22:04 @ erica_farglow - completely unrelated but: #
  • 22:06 @ erica_farglow for a certain person that loves bacon: #
  • 22:07 It's John Adams time. ( Rather than a Sam Adams time which would be something else completely ) #
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